Ramblings of an old Doc
DrJBHL's Articles » Page 79
September 1, 2011 by DrJBHL
    Sony's CEO Howard Stringer told reporters in Berlin today, "This year, we at Sony have been flooded, we've been flattened, we've been hacked, we've been singed. But the summer of our discontent is behind us…..I'm pleased to tell you that the PSN is more secure and better than ever. We are aggressively expanding its content. We have more than 3 million new customers since the network came back online, and sales are exceeding what we had before the cyber atta...
September 1, 2011 by DrJBHL
  Opera lovers (couldn’t resist) will be happy. I wasn’t. Opera Software has just released the final version of Opera 11.51 after two release candidates that have been released in the past week. The new version of the web browser fixes several stability issues which makes it more of a maintenance release than a release that comes along with new major features. It also fixes several usability issues, like toolbar buttons that were no longer showing up in Opera’s user interface...
August 30, 2011 by DrJBHL
  A good one! “Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration, update and removal in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice. Then when you format and reinstall/upgrade your operating system, you can restore all the “saved” drivers just as if you had the original driver diskettes in your hands.”   ...
August 30, 2011 by DrJBHL
        In an earlier article I mentioned that the Touchmouse had been announced and that it would reach the market in about eight months. Well, it’s here. There’s a good review on Neowin.net , and Microsoft has a webpage with a vid and pics along with it’s promo stuff. Quick take from Andrew Lyle at Neowin.net: Pros and Cons : Pros : Gestures are very easy to use Great look and feel, ver...
August 29, 2011 by DrJBHL
Ok… Island Dog and I have both written about Windows 8. This post is just to update what we know about W8 from Steve Sinofsky’s blog  (B8) and updates from MS personnel. There are thirty-five teams building this version of Windows. “Today more than two out of three PCs are mobile (laptops, netbooks, notebooks, tablets, slates, convertibles, etc.). Nearly every PC is capable of wireless connectivity. Screen sizes range from under 10" to wall-sized screens and multiple ...
August 28, 2011 by DrJBHL
  Last time, I found some cool mice. This time, two treats: Some cool keyboards followed by some interesting Apple concept designs. Again, arranged in a “screenie mode” since the originals are linked in the two linked articles. I didn’t put in all the Apple concept designs since I thought something should be left to curiosity… Now that Steve Jobs has assumed the Chairman of the Board position, and a new CEO is in place, who knows? We might end up s...
August 24, 2011 by DrJBHL
Letter from Steve Jobs August 24, 2011–To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:   I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee. As far as my successor goes, I strongly recomme...
August 23, 2011 by DrJBHL
  Guess it’s official!  Congrats (yet again), Stardock! Rick Broida who writes “ The Cheapskate ” news blog for c|net just published his opinion that “ Fences ” is the “ Best. Program. Ever. ” and, “You’ll wonder why Microsoft didn’t build it into Windows.” Read more here:  http://news.cnet.com/8301-13845_3-20093275-58/five-freeware-gems-for-windows/?tag=nl.e404  
August 23, 2011 by DrJBHL
  In cruising the net, I came across some way out and cool mice for your viewing pleasure! In lieu of linking each one, I put them all together in one image (special single image for our frustrated pilot, Jafo). The link to all is below. At that page, the mice are individually linked. Hope you enjoy!     Source:   http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/unusual-computer-mice-you-probably-havent-seen-before/
August 22, 2011 by DrJBHL
I’m assuming you remember the Tom Cruise movie “Minority Report” in which a computer spits out a ball with a crime alert before the crime happens? That computer was hooked up to three people who hallucinated the crime or read the future… whatever.   Turns out Santa Cruz, CA Police have a computer on which a program does just that, without the three clairvoyants   Nothing magical. The computer is updated daily, and “predicts” the crime...
August 22, 2011 by DrJBHL
  While there are ways to delete various Libraries or files from Libraries, I think this is a very valuable tool to organize and access directories and files, I think many just with to hide them and this is the perfect tool to do it, and restore things if and when they change their minds. Windows 7 Navigation Pane Customizer is a freeware from door2windows that allows you to show, hide and rename items in the Windows Explorer navigation pane. 1. Run the tool as administrator...
August 21, 2011 by DrJBHL
When I started with Windows 7 I saw the Libraries and thought, “I’m not gonna mess with that!”. Actually, they are really a great feature. After starting these articles, I’ve created a library for them and their images. Libraries are a new Windows feature in 7. Windows 7 comes with libraries for documents, music, pictures, and videos. But you can personalize these, or create your own, with just a few clicks. In this long overdue (yes, a library pun) article I&rsq...
August 19, 2011 by DrJBHL
Hours after news broke that Hewlett-Packard was considering a spin-off of its PC business, the company also said that it will discontinue support for webOS devices, including the TouchPad tablet. The move also affects webOS-based smartphones. Just last month, HP said it planned to take webOS "global" by naming Steven DeWitt, the head of HP's PC business in the Americas, to lead the WebOS business. Jon Rubinstein, the man who led webOS, was also shifted to senior vice president for product i...
August 16, 2011 by DrJBHL
So this time, “Don’t knock my tea kettle” (you can look here for the meaning: It’s accurate) with “They bought the results.”: They didn’t.   OK…. First, what is socially engineered malware? Socially engineered malware is disguised and/or hidden within another software package so that when a user is enticed to download and install the software, the malware is installed as well. Socially engineered malware attacks pose one of the largest risks to individuals and or...
August 15, 2011 by DrJBHL
  Neowin announced this morning that Mozilla will be releasing Firefox 6.0 later today. It was only in July that 5.0 was released. Numerous betas and ‘nightlies’ have been available since then. What’s new? The latest version of Firefox Beta has the following changes: The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you're visiting Streamlined the look of the site identity block Added support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a...