Ramblings of an old Doc
DrJBHL's Articles » Page 58
January 9, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Well, since the friendly Mayans decided to let us all live, MS has a big bundle this month. Read about it here:  http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/window-on-windows/its-microsoft-patch-tuesday-january-2013/7092?tag=nl.e064&s_cid=e064 or here:  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletin/ms13-jan Bulletin ID Bulletin Title and Executive Summary Maximum Severity Rating and Vulnerability Impact Restart Requirement Affecte...
January 7, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Earlier today Island Dog posted this. The post disappeared… and Adobe was totally swamped as everyone and his mother stampeded to get it. You’ll have to get an Adobe account. Second?   edit: The link to the download was removed for very good reason. What both I.D. and I missed [insert embarrassed here] was the key point: The link was for licensed users. Adobe made no mention of that fact on the page.  Why Adobe chose to do som...
January 7, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Since most of the skinners here (and others) use Dropbox for file transfer, etc. I thought you might be interested in learning about this, although I don’t know how much good it will do you since while you can view the files, “You can’t download files using the Dropbox app right now, the only available option is to launch it in the default program. This limits the usability of the app significantly, one would expect at least an option to download files instead of opening the...
January 6, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Apparently, drivers using the nvvsvc.exe belonging to the NVIDIA Driver Helper Service installed with the driver is the one affected with the security flaw. The flaw allows elevation of privileges and can be used to access sensitive data on your system. Mostly affected/targeted are businesses using the driver, but all systems with the helper service are affected and need updating. Until now, the work around has been to turn off/disable the helper service. Now a new GeForc...
January 2, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Well, everyone knows about the two data recorders in airplanes. But cars? Really? Ostensibly, it’s the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) which is recommending this for cars, and if they have their way, we might see them in cars by 2014. This rulemaking proposal is called: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 571 [Docket No. NHTSA–2012–0177] RIN 2127–AK86 Federal Motor V...
December 29, 2012 by DrJBHL
  This article isn’t designed to trigger a “mine’s better than yours” war, nor to convince you to change your current antiviral software. I have BitDefender Internet Security 2013, so… I can tell you I haven’t had any problems with the software, and none related to SD software, specifically. It’s more in the direction of this is here if you need it, and for folks with older machines without the ‘liquidity’ to get another soon. It has very little effect on your system resource...
December 19, 2012 by DrJBHL
  Although Instagram initially caused a wave of panic re their TOS change and subsequently backtracked, it’s going to cost them. Their new TOS isn’t going to appear for a month. There are alternatives to Instagram. Make sure to verify their TOS’s (as Dr. McCoy would say, “Dammit, Jim…”). Here’s a link to PCMag which should be able to get you started. Zubaz has kindly also provided a link to Socialsafe which is free for 60 days (so you don’t have to wait for the new Ins...
December 15, 2012 by DrJBHL
    Not a lot to say, it’s good, it’s free. For folks hunting for a free, dependable utility that supports their Windows 8, here you go. Read about it here:  http://www.paragon-software.com/home/br-free/ The download link will bring you to a page which has a link to Download.com: http://download.cnet.com/Paragon-Backup-Recovery-Free/3000-2242_4-10972187.html?tag=mncol;1 As with any download site, you should choose the “Advanced” or “Custom...
December 14, 2012 by DrJBHL
  Martin Brinkmann, owner and chief reviewer at the excellent site ghacks.net has done a very thorough review of Stardock’s newest winner, Start8. I’m really glad to report that his review was extremely positive! Please head on over to read about it here: http://www.ghacks.net/2012/12/13/start8-windows-8-start-menu-review-giveaway/?_m=3n%2e0038%2e732%2ehj0ao01hy5%2er3p Also, if you review it or leave a comment, you might win a free license. Learn more ...
December 12, 2012 by DrJBHL
  This is a more of a warning to our great Australian members. While I don’t know if any of you are affected by this heinous deed, you might be. A group of criminals has hacked the Miami Family Medical Center ’s patient records, broken their encryption and re-encrypted them, making them unavailable to the Center, its patients and their Physicians and healthcare personnel. They are offering to supply the new encryption key for a payment of ransom. They have also threatened to...
December 11, 2012 by DrJBHL
  MS has given the “Outlook” look to Yahoo’s email, as well as for W8 according to Lifehacker .   Other selling points? Supposedly twice as fast with more advanced spam protection. Nice. Also, you can change the theme easily and quickly from the "options" box... easy peasy. There are also new apps for the new email as well... for Apple, W8 and regular W7 tablets.
December 4, 2012 by DrJBHL
  While Windows 8 isn’t for me, many folks have gone the way of getting the new OS. Because all OS’s are vulnerable (W8, too), and because of the recent fall from grace and decertification of MSE by AV-Test you should have security software installed. While cruising the net, I found an article on The Windows Club which deals with the problem of W8 not detecting installed security software. This is not your fault. You can run   sfc /scannow to your heart’s content, but...
December 3, 2012 by DrJBHL
  OK. Windows 8 isn’t fun to shut down or restart on a tablet. Start 8 is one solution. Here’s another from Brandon Dimmel at infopackets: “ To shut down Windows 8 with one click : First, get to the main desktop screen. Next, right click on the desktop and select New --> Shortcut. When the menu appears, click 'Create new Shortcut.' When Windows 8 asks you what item you'd like to create a shortcut for, enter the following comman...
December 1, 2012 by DrJBHL
  Congrats to Stardock! It isn't everyday that a product...any product is honored this way. Kudos to the dev!     Would you like to learn more?   https://www.stardock.com/products/start8/       If you'd like to learn more about Multiplicity 2.0:   https://www.stardock.com/products/multiplicity/      
November 29, 2012 by DrJBHL
  Eddie Cho of the c|net review staff has given Decor8 a nice review . “After you install the app, Decor8 will appear on the Start screen like any other tile. When you open the app, you'll be greeted with an options menu that appears mighty hard to discern from a standard Windows 8 settings menu. From the Background settings, choose any custom image or photo to set as your background for the modern UI and add visual tweaks like fading, blurring, and color overlays. Dec...