Ramblings of an old Doc
DrJBHL's Articles » Page 23
September 25, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Not a “I hate facebook” post. This only serves to warn those who after hearing that Mark Zuckerberg (CEO, Facebook) intends to implement a new ‘dislike’ button about a scam already claiming victims. This one offers you the new button, but: “Facebook posts promising users that they will get the 'dislike' button early have made the rounds on the site. The post further states that it is currently an 'invite only' system. The scam also contains links, that when cli...
September 20, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Your browser isn’t “your” browser. You use it on the software company’s terms and conditions. The same for every piece of software on your computer. You don’t expect your security software to be spying on you, right? seems contradictory, no? Well, guess again. The name of the game is big data. MS, Apple, Banks…you name it. For some reason though, I never expected security software to do it. But it does. AVG has updated its EULA (something e...
September 19, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Lots of good stuff if you’re interested in learning photography…or greatly improving skills in selected areas. Check out the schedule here: https://www.creativelive.com/conference/photo-week-2015#schedule   there are reruns if you have to miss the live class, or if you like it and want to spend more time on things, buy it and you have anytime, anywhere access. Great instructors, great subjects…free. What’s not to like? Starts on Monday, 9/21... ...
September 16, 2015 by DrJBHL
  “Pale Moon is one of the most popular alternative browsers available. Having access to Firefox extensions, Firefox compatibility, and a pre-Australis interface without telemetry being transmitted in the background are just some of the reasons why people have chosen to use Pale Moon.” – Innuendo, donationcoder.com Well…bad news first: good old captainmoonlight sent me this as he’s a devoted Pale Moon user. Unfortunately, Mozilla has decided to ...
September 10, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Nice! It isn’t available yet, but it was previewed in Apple’s event yesterday so, it’ll work on the new iPad with iOS. As for Windows and Chrome, no info yet. It won’t need the Adobe Creative Cloud, so, you’ll be able to edit files of up to 50MB on the go. I certainly hope Windows and Chrome apps will be forthcoming. Why throw potential customers away? “Fix” Was used in conjunction with PsComp CC (on the go execution of a complete layout) and Ps Sketch ( here ) apps for i...
September 8, 2015 by DrJBHL
  But…a change log for this update will only be provided for “significant changes” (see here ). But, here’s what’s in it per MS Support . Well, I’d tell you to put it off and see what early installers are saying on MS Forums…but, at most, home users will have a one month’s grace on that delay. The only reason I suggest that is MS’s reputation for less than perfect updates. Just so you know it’s coming.
September 8, 2015 by DrJBHL
  If you own the above item, you’d best download and install the patch to prevent file tampering/theft by hackers. “The vulnerabilities primarily affect owners of Seagate Wireless Plus Mobile Storage, Seagate Wireless Mobile Storage, and LaCie Fuel devices purchased since October 2014. “With products from large vendors such as Seagate, there tend to be numerous product names for basically the same product under the same vendor’s name or another vendor,” Tangible Securi...
September 6, 2015 by DrJBHL
  “Mozilla yesterday said an unknown attacker accessed its Bugzilla bug-and-change tracking database, stole information about 53 critical security vulnerabilities, and used at least one of those flaws to attack Firefox users…Mozilla urged Firefox users to update the browser to Firefox 40, which was released Aug. 27, as that version patched all remaining vulnerabilities the attacker accessed.” – Gregg Keizer A hacker accessed a secret log of bug and changes...
September 5, 2015 by DrJBHL
  The answer’s pretty simple. If your use is social networks (facebook and the like) with occasional downloads…yes, most likely IF you remove the Java Plugin. Don’t use it. Google and Mozilla are going over to HTML5, and hopefully the net will get there ASAP. The only problem is advertisers, and money IS the juice of the net. If you’re involved with downloading torrent related stuff…nope. You’ll need more mojo…Bitdefender is currently (and for the past couple of years) rated best....
September 1, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Now to convince the devs…Flash is bloated, and very insecure…and if you’re on a mobile device, eats your battery in a decidedly non-kosher manner. So, from tomorrow, Chrome will automatically pause web ads using Adobe Flash. Ads using HTML5 will autoplay. Amazon is no longer accepting Flash based ads. Last month, Mozilla blocked Flash in default settings. Well…time has come to move on from Flash. Vive la différence! Source: http://www.wired.com/2015/0...
August 30, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Oliver Sacks was a British Neurologist. He was remarkable for his empathy and caring as well as his gift for using the English language so well as rare as that would seem, nowadays. He took care of patients in a Home for the elderly, as well as being a renowned author. While the melanoma had spread to his liver, he never lost the qualities which endeared him to many. He wrote many essays and books about his patients, the brain and how it works, and the human condition. Many remem...
August 29, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Snip is MS’s newest Garage Project special…it’s like the snipping tool in W7 and 8/8.1/10. This one ships with an editor, though…big drawback: You can only edit with voice or with the pen. No way to type or make the presentation appear professional. So…you select your screen shot using the dock which is movable to any part of the screen. It gives you the possibilities to select the area to capture limited to square or rectangular…no freehand. It also gives a whiteboard, a ...
August 23, 2015 by DrJBHL
  From Techtalk at PCPitstop: Weather.com and Drudge Report (to name just two) sites with millions of visitors were serving up ads with CryptoWall ransomeware, or infected adware on PCs. “Once an ad network is subverted, hundreds of millions of poisoned ads are displayed in real-time. Many of these ads initiate a drive-by attack without the user having to do anything. The attack does a few redirects, kicks in a U.S. and Canada-focused Exploit Kit which checks for vulnerabilitie...
August 23, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Happy Sunday, all and sundry. I saw this and of course (get it?) signed up and thought about all you guys and girls sitting around with really old photos having great sentimental value, which might be damaged and needing repair. Sooo…I decided to put this post up. Ben Willmore is a great teacher. He’s a member of the Photoshop Hall of Fame who has taught over 100,000 Photoshop users on five continents…tons of books, and tutorials. He’s probably the best around with “"t...
August 22, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Well, it’s over for 2015. What stunning photos. Seriously…I recommend allowing yourself to be entranced for quite a bit of time by them. The categories were: Outdoor scenes, sense of place, spontaneous moments and travel portraits. Better? Many are available for free as desktop wallpapers… 1600 x 1200 for desktops, but also for tablets and phone, with some branding (National Geographic) at the bottom of the photos… You can easily spend a wonderful coupl...