Ramblings of an old Doc
DrJBHL's Articles » Page 22
November 22, 2015 by DrJBHL
  This is a pretty revolutionary study out of the Weizmann Institute of Science. Note: The study only tracked blood sugar levels vs. meal types in 800 people continuously for one week and defined a “good diet” as one which produced steady sugar levels as opposed to a “bad diet” as one which produced elevated levels, because elevated levels are tied to diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome. They also analyzed gut bacteria types believed to play a role i...
November 21, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Just a reminder about staying safe when shopping online…most folks would rather not camp out for block buster/door buster deals, especially when craziness could get one hurt. So, for the many who shop online, here’s how not to get hurt by doing so. The key is “layers”. With all the hacking of store chain, media companies, etc. the last thing you want is to get your personal and financial data to get pummeled. 1. Alternative payment methods: By using PayPal, you have no p...
November 15, 2015 by DrJBHL
  So, I don’t have to explain what ransomware is… Download this fella, install it (it’ll appear in the systray). Click on the green wheel to cofigure the program’s general settings. Then click on the “Immunization” slider and turn it to the “On” position. Done. So…what does it do? It does not allow executable files from %appdata% and %startup% to run. Your computer will now be protected against CryptoWall and CTB-Locker...
November 8, 2015 by DrJBHL
  SFC /scannow will fix Windows system files corruption. When it works by copying cached files stored after having been copied in the past (…system32\dll cache folder). However, when the cached file is corrupted as well, it won’t work. Then you get a message like: photocredit gHacks.net   SFCFix from The Tech Cookbook will fix that (it’s also a portable .exe). You should read the linked page. How it does it is explained there (sort of) as well as in th...
November 7, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Mobility and work as well as convenience considerations have encouraged most of us to get rid of the cables and use Wi-Fi to connect to and use the net. This has made us vulnerable to cyber criminals who can snoop and hack their way into our connections and steal personal, and financial data for their profit. The downside is the broadcasting…the image that comes to mind is turning a light on at night: It can be seen at a distance no matter where one stands. TheWindowsClub p...
November 5, 2015 by DrJBHL
  It will reach the public in the next week or so. It has been “signed” by MS so that means it has been tested by their public testers for glitches…no sarcasm, please. This should be the first major change that the average user who isn't signed up to any advance testing program sees to Windows 10. It marks the first in what's planned to be a more frequent series of updates to the system, replacing the idea of having Service Packs, and even new editions of Windows. – infopack...
November 2, 2015 by DrJBHL
  This just in! “The premiere episode all all subsequent first-run episodes will then be available exclusively in the United States on CBS' All Access digital subscription service. This would be the first original series developed specifically for U.S. audiences to air in such a way.” “There is no better time to give 'Star Trek' fans a new series than on the heels of the original show's 50th anniversary celebration," said David Stapf, president of CBS Television St...
October 31, 2015 by DrJBHL
  I don’t mind that MS wants to market its newest product. It has its good and bad points, much like any other product does, open markets and all that. What I do mind is forcible marketing, and using a tool which is indispensible to do it, and lying about “accidents”. For those wanting to change over to W10, it’s pretty easy. For those who don’t, we have to fight an endless battle against W10 upgrade patches designed to prep our computers for the change to W10. For the ...
October 17, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Sprint is joining the top three carriers in throttling unfair users exceeding 23 GB data per month. This they maintain is to maintain optimal usage of cell sites for all users. This is because (they maintain) the quality of service declines at particular sites – so, the throttling will involve connection speeds at these sites until congestion clears. The optimization will be calculated every 20 milliseconds. Sprint maintains that the 23 GB standard is one held across ...
October 15, 2015 by DrJBHL
    I didn’t remember his name right off the bat…but I remember what he did. We all do, actually. Ken Taylor, a former Canadian diplomat who sheltered fugitive American Embassy staffers at his Tehran home at great personal risk during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, has died. He was 81. "As Canada’s ambassador to Iran, Taylor played a key role in the rescue mission carried out by the Canadian government and the CIA. Known as the "Canadian Caper," the miss...
October 15, 2015 by DrJBHL
  The biggest update is that Yahoo Mail will now let you access email from other account providers through the Yahoo Mail app. Users will now be able to connect mail accounts from Outlook.com, Hotmail and AOL to Yahoo Mail. BUT…not to Gmail. As for passwords, Yahoo vice president of product Dylan Casey says that passwords and even security questions are an antiquated solution for protecting Web users… “To rectify that broken authentication system, Yahoo is killing...
October 13, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Infopackets has just published this: “Microsoft has released the next set of updates for Windows 10, including improvements for Skype and Cortana. It's also fixed a problem that was stopping some users from activating their copy as being legitimate. The new set of changes are known as Build 10565 and are now available to people in on the Fast Ring setting of the Insider Program - in other words, those who have signed up to be the first to test any new features or fixe...
October 11, 2015 by DrJBHL
  My friends frequently post in foreign languages, and the meaning of the text often escapes me. It’s frustrating, because trying to copy the text can be time consuming or, in another alphabet. It’s especially frustrating when the text is part of an image. For that reason, when I saw this in one of my favorite places (gHacks), I jumped on it…it’s small and free, so why not? First off, it’ll appear like a fish on the right of the search box, and will be black if it works on th...
October 6, 2015 by DrJBHL
  Turns out that during all those Apollo missions astronauts were clicking away like crazy…and a good thing too. After all, how else could we accuse NASA of Photoshopping everything? So, NASA’s uploaded the treasure trove…8,400 pics from Apollo 7-Apollo 17. You can see them here (organized by mission): https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums/with/72157659052908231 or here: http://digg.com/2015/apollo-moon-pictures-space-photography or here: h...
October 6, 2015 by DrJBHL
  “The connection leaks a unique identifier that can be used to retrieve the name and profile photo in plaintext.”- Annoyed MS User The blogger is located in Beijing…and his discovery has been confirmed by Ars Technica. according to Steven Parker at Neowin. “There are really two problems: one being that CIDs get unnecessarily disclosed—in host names, sharing links, etc.—and the other that there are important, potentially personally identifying information about a ...