Permit me to quote: “Microsoft Marketing chief Chris Capossela explained that users who choose Windows 7 do so “at your own risk, at your own peril” and he revealed Microsoft has concerns about its future software and hardware compatibility, security and more. “We do worry when people are running an operating system that’s 10 years old that the next printer they buy isn’t going to work well, or they buy a new game, they buy Fallout 4, a v...
Clearly, if you’re going to be selling your computer to a stranger (or anyone else), the last thing you want is to leave any data on it. So, My Disk Wiper is a good program, and will do it…even asks you twice, “Are you sure” type questions. It can be a long process, though. gHacks recommends checking the effectiveness with Recuva or Testdisk…I think that’s a good idea no matter which software/method you use to erase the data. I’d recommend bookmarking this link…no poin...
Oracle’s Java Plugin for your web browser is no longer being supported. This momentous step was taken on 1/27. So why did Oracle do this? Because the major browsers have moved to HTML5, which is far more secure and stable than the old NPAPI standard. In fact, all browser plugins based on that will cease to work in all the major browsers in 2016. MS, Mozilla and Google do not support plugins by default…and already block them or will block them shortly. So, since the browsers...
Well, Google acquired Motorola…but also VirusTotal. They also set up a website (currently at VirusTotal) where you can scan files, etc. The interesting in this is that it can scan the firmware on your computer (think Lenovo, and others), AND they’ve added an important layer of scanning: Your BIOS, which traditional AV software doesn’t scan…which the NSA counted on in spyware they created. They never think about Darwin though, do they? So…Brandon ...
Interesting…the guy who invented JavaScript has found (and founded) a new niche (Brave Co.) after the Mozilla disaster. Ironic, because this browser will show you content with ads stripped out as well as elements designed to track your online behavior…so your security will be MUCH greater. Supposedly though, it will not remove all ads: It’ll leave those actually useful to you. For phones, it will speed things up by a factor of up to four, and up to x14 for laptop...
One of my fave websites ( ) owner has produced quite an extensive review and comparison of available software to modify W10’s data collection and bad features like Wi-Fi sharing. It was nice of Martin Bormann to include urls and screenies…as well as a table of comparisons. All these programs have to be run with “Elevated Status” (as Administrator) or the changes you make won’t be applied. A very good “take away” is to make ...
So…not a whole lot to say. Will do everything WinZip can…and very fast. Has a portable format. and for Mac, as well. There are many features (more than noted below)…I’d advise going to the website and navigating…under features . There are screenshots available, too. Features : Compression and Extraction: Zip(z01), ZipX(zx01), TAR, TGZ, LZH, ISO, 7Z(7z.001), and EXE(e01). Extraction Only: RAR(part1.rar, r01), ACE, AES, ALZ, APK, ARJ, ...
Google notified Trend Micro about a problem with its software…specifically the password manager feature, which stores very strong passwords and at the touch of a button fills them in on the appropriate websites. The vulnerability comes from the way the tool interacted with Chrome 49…it was written to interact with Chrome 41…and the newer sandbox feature in Chrome 49 so, the Trend Micro tool doesn’t comply with the new security features in Chrome 49, so tha...
This app was released back in August. I remember seeing some post about privacy tweaks in Forums…but this little gem offers over 200 tweaks in the categories you can see in my screen shot which was captured on the source page . If you’d like to see a list of the tweaks, go here . You can see screen shots of each category here . I posted on version 2.1 quite a while ago . This one’s for Windows 10. What’s new? Seeing the concerns being raised about ...
Forbes on line just gave its readers some malware…because “On arrival, like a growing number of websites, Forbes asked readers to turn off ad blockers in order to view the article. After doing so, visitors were immediately served with pop-under malware, primed to infect their computers, and likely silently steal passwords, personal data and banking information. Or, as is popular worldwide with these malware "exploit kits," lock up their hard drives in exchange...
MS is having problems in China, so it decided to “modify” W10 for the Chinese government. There are no specifics, but what do you bet one of the changes will be related to “Privacy Settings”? Folks all over the world have expressed concerns over what and how ‘depersonalized data’ is being collected…but the Chinese government more so…wonder why? In the past, China has managed to get its own official versions of Windows XP. So, T...
Well, it’s free, and it works, for MacOS and Windows. It will clean and speed up Firefox, Pale Moon, Chrome, Opera, Thunderbird and Skype as well, with an up to x3 increase in speed. No, it won’t speed up IE or Edge. Why does it work? It works because with time you get larger and more fragmented databases. “Firefox (and sometimes it's add-ons) uses SQLITE databases to store lots of its settings. By the time the databases grow and Firefox starts working slowly. SpeedyFo...
Although Google has reported it with respect to Chrome, it likely affects other browsers. It’s from AVG and it installs automatically without permission whenever the user installed the main AVG AV software. Since Chrome has similar tools, it isn’t even necessary. AVG set their browser extension to bypass the normal vetting process by the Chrome Store. This allowed AVG to change the user’s home page when opening the browser and new tabs. Apparently, it also did not encr...
What an amazing athlete… Meadowlark (I always loved his name!)…joined the Harlem Globe Trotters in 1954…played with greats like Wilt Chamberlain…brought happiness and joy to millions all around the world. They were serious players as well. Here’s a video…not great quality…but there are others. I’m gonna miss you, Meadowlark…Rest In Peace. Source:
The Windows Club has put together a really excellent list of resources for graphics creators, designers…and artists…all really good free sources. I’ll spare you the screen shots…the urls are what matters, after all. You can read more at the linked text above, descriptions of the offerings at each website…and there’s lots! , , , , http://www.vecteezy.c...