Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on August 31, 2024 By DrJBHL In WinCustomize Talk

Back to school!

How kids "love" hearing that from Mom and Dad, right? Wish my folks were around to tell me that, now. Remember "What I did this Summer"?

Anyhoot, Autumn is an excuse for a touch of melancholy, right? On the other hand, it brings great holidays like Halloween (hint, hint), as well as Thanksgiving.

I chose my desktop as 'floating your boat'...WB is v's Naked Noir, as are the ports to OD3 and WSX by messiah1 and Giz. I left Fences5 visible along with the WSX modules. The subdock is OnOne PhotoRAW Max and its components. The wall is from the net composed with the addition of DALLE-3's Spanish Galleon in a bottle.

Post yours, too!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 18, 2024

Found the wall! It's been changed a bit by me.

Spirit Egg Wallpaper

on Sep 18, 2024


Found the wall! It's been changed a bit by me.
That's right! Benjamin-Dandic did three different versions - very beautiful work and some of my favs too:




I used his first one for my desktop & phone in 2011


on Sep 18, 2024


Dark Teal by Lightstar. I forget who did the wall, sorry. Widgets by me.

Absolutely great screenshot Chuck!

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