Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on August 31, 2024 By DrJBHL In WinCustomize Talk

Back to school!

How kids "love" hearing that from Mom and Dad, right? Wish my folks were around to tell me that, now. Remember "What I did this Summer"?

Anyhoot, Autumn is an excuse for a touch of melancholy, right? On the other hand, it brings great holidays like Halloween (hint, hint), as well as Thanksgiving.

I chose my desktop as 'floating your boat'...WB is v's Naked Noir, as are the ports to OD3 and WSX by messiah1 and Giz. I left Fences5 visible along with the WSX modules. The subdock is OnOne PhotoRAW Max and its components. The wall is from the net composed with the addition of DALLE-3's Spanish Galleon in a bottle.

Post yours, too!

Comments (Page 2)
3 Pages1 2 3 
on Sep 09, 2024


Excellent skin of IceBabee's, Reaper
Thanks, Doc! Say, whatever became of IceBabee? I don't see her around anymore. She did some great work here.🤔

on Sep 10, 2024


A little Sumthin Different.  

Great skin and widgets. Widgets look kinda familiar.

on Sep 10, 2024


Widgets look kinda familiar.

on Sep 10, 2024


Widgets look kinda familiar.
Yeah, come to think of it, the widgets do look kinda familiar at that. Now I wonder who coulda made such nice looking widgets?    

on Sep 10, 2024

Another IceBabee skin: Autumn with the usual widgets made for the skin. The wallpaper is really awesome by SED. Autumn ExP Dots.

By Thursday it's supposed to be near 90F around here. I am ready for fall!


on Sep 10, 2024


Another IceBabee skin: Autumn with the usual widgets made for the skin. The wallpaper is really awesome by SED. Autumn ExP Dots.

By Thursday it's supposed to be near 90F around here. I am ready for fall!


You and me both. Sed made a great wall and IceBabee's skin really matches.  

on Sep 11, 2024

Well, since we are on a bit of a IceBabee roll, here's another one: Vault

on Sep 11, 2024


Well, since we are on a bit of a IceBabee roll, here's another one: Vault

Blue and black. My fave combo. Eggsellent wall, as well. Good work, Reap.    

on Sep 12, 2024

Chrysalis by Lightstar with the wall by SED, A Watercolor AbZ and the usual widgets.


on Sep 12, 2024

Nicely done Chuck!

on Sep 13, 2024


Chrysalis by Lightstar with the wall by SED, A Watercolor AbZ and the usual widgets.



Nicely done Chuck!

Really well coordinated and esthetically pleasing. This is a really "liveable" combo. Well done, Lightstar, Sed and Chuck!    

on Sep 16, 2024

Having some Daily fun with Tiki and Sed's wall.

on Sep 17, 2024


Having some Daily fun with Tiki and Sed's wall.

This is extremely pleasing on the eyes. Well done, BDBF!  

on Sep 17, 2024

Still in keeping with IceBabee based themes, this is my setup for Black Ops: The wallpaper I got somewhere off the web.

on Sep 18, 2024

Dark Teal by Lightstar. I forget who did the wall, sorry. Widgets by me.

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