Ramblings of an old Doc
You want this. You know you do.
Published on August 13, 2024 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing

Concept creator Abdi, a.k.a. AR4789 has given us amazing videos of W12, W13, XP, and W7 2024 editions now gives us W10 2024 Edition. Here's the video:

I have to admit, I want it. Now Yesterday. Why hasn't MS hired him, yet?! 

Just look at W10 2024 Ed.'s appearance and functionality! 

Have mercy on us, Abdi.

Head over to https://betanews.com/2024/08/11/windows-10-2024-edition/ for the screenies.

Here's a screen capture from the video showing Windows file explorer in dark theme. Mouth watering.

on Aug 13, 2024

Yes. Very cool indeed.

Microsoft uses focus groups to help make decisions on features, but I'm not sure how they find the participants. They are obviously using the wrong people!   

on Aug 13, 2024


Microsoft uses focus groups to help make decisions on features, but I'm not sure how they find the participants.

Judging from the results, the only focusing in that MS "focus group" would be by those who need an Optician to aid their myopia.

on Aug 13, 2024


Judging from the results, the only focusing in that MS "focus group" would be by those who need an Optician to aid their myopia.

That's not an age joke is it? I'm in that group, but I think I would make a great participant.   

on Aug 13, 2024




Wasn't really talking refractive/age related optic problems. And yes, you would be a breath of fresh air in those stodgy, technologically geriatric, "waiting room" groups.

on Aug 13, 2024

Nice, cool, slick and interesting design. Too bad it's only a concept, and not a reality.   

on Aug 13, 2024


Nice, cool, slick and interesting design. Too bad it's only a concept, and not a reality.   

Indeed. AR4789 does beautiful graphics work.