Ramblings of an old Doc
DrJBHL's Articles » Page 43
March 30, 2014 by DrJBHL
    Don’t miss this…it’ll teach you how to use the Creative Cloud to start or expand your business (photography). Here: http://www.creativelive.com/courses/creative-cloud-essentials-lesa-snider?utm_source=Lesa&utm_medium=Lesa&utm_campaign=LesaLRE Fantastic instructress and it’s free…how can you lose?
March 30, 2014 by DrJBHL
  I hope everyone has updated to the free 2.0 version since Leo the Lion’s post . The Licensed version seems to have a bug. Martin Brinkmann has posted on error code 20026. Apparently, the anti-rootkit component isn’t working. I’m not sure if this is true for the free version as well. “Error: Malwarebytes was unable to load the Anti-Rootkit Driver. Error code: 20026 Do you want to continue the scan without anti-rootkit support?” then, before he could answer...
March 30, 2014 by DrJBHL
  After reading about crashes I decided that a long time peeve of mine is Windows reports for app crashes/hangs and Windows BSODs (thankfully truly rare in W7). The stuff you get in W7: “ProgX.exe has stopped working. Windows can check for a solution to the problem. Check online? Close the program. and you can get “details”. WinCrashReport does a good deal more. It won’t solve the problem, but it will give you a report with good options, (check the link) even if the app cra...
March 29, 2014 by DrJBHL
  When I read this, I was reminded of the news item a while back about flying modems, and of Google’s sniffing networks during its ‘Street Mapping’. Zuckerberg’s story? “We’re bringing internet access to remote areas.” Maybe, but if these areas are so remote (Philippines and Paraguay now with more to come), do they have electricity and computers? Do they even want them? I seem to remember pictures after the massive hurricane they had. I thought they needed food and stable sh...
March 28, 2014 by DrJBHL
  Almost anyone who has processed images has come to realize that the best way to do it is as the last step in the chain of changes to the image before publication. Also, most realize that the best way to do it is with the High Pass filter (Filter>Other>High Pass), and then changing the blend mode to Overlay, Soft light, etc. on a smart object nondestructively. The problem though is that it’s laborious. It’s best done selectively to certain areas only, since applying one rad...
March 28, 2014 by DrJBHL
  It happens to everyone (or almost everyone). Your phone/tablet gets submerged, or a significant amount of water lands on it. There are water proof phones and cases, but you don’t have one… Step One: Turn it off ASAP! Don’t argue. Don’t think. Just do it as fast as you can. You don’t want anything to short out. Step Two: Open the battery compartment. Take out the battery and SIM card. Mop up whatever water/fluid you can get to (use a ...
March 27, 2014 by DrJBHL
  Photoshop is as intimidating as hell. I spent the longest time just looking at the interface and closing it. Then, Shaunna (mrs_starkers) put up a thread, and the rank amateurs went wild. This started me learning. My envy of Po’Smedley’s and Skinhit’s abilities to create icons, walls and crazy shops (and some friends who wanted to try as well), kept me going. Some like Gimp more, others want to learn the industry gold standard. Photographers might want Lightroom more than Photos...
March 23, 2014 by DrJBHL
  So, you’ve done your due diligence and despite all you’ve done, you’ve been hit. It happens. The thing about your Security software? It’ll clean out the virus/Trojan, but it won’t fix the damage the malware has done to your system when it took over various functions and rendered them inoperable. So what can you do? Format and reinstall Windows, or remove the malware and try to fix all the functions rendered inoperable. Now, instead of the laboriou...
March 22, 2014 by DrJBHL
  Let’s say you want to know which apps are accessing the net from your computer, especially if you think you've been infected by a virus. Windows comes with Netstat (you have to open it through the cmd>run as administrator), and then open task manager and then in task manager to view>select columns>check PID (process identifier) to get the PID number, and then open Fport (you have to download it first from McAfee ) to be able to shut off the processes to delete suspi...
March 20, 2014 by DrJBHL
  On March 14th, a disturbing news item slipped by unnoticed. We were all entranced by the Malaysian Triangle. I don’t think JFK’s and RFK’s assassinations together with the late President Reagan’s attempted assassination garnered so many news hours… So what’s the big deal? Supposedly American stewardship of the Internet was always supposed to be temporary (really?). The U.S. government announced plans to relinquish Federal control over ICANN. This...
March 20, 2014 by DrJBHL
  Island Dog just noted this on Face book. The source article is on Neowin: http://www.neowin.net/news/windows-81-spring-update-back-on-windows-update-links-inside All the links are in the article there.
March 18, 2014 by DrJBHL
  This is the dream of many. An OR without knives. Decreased side effects and adverse effects of medication. Rapid reperfusion in heart attacks and strokes, without catheterization and medications which can be quite dangerous. Here’s a youtube presentation worth watching…it will be part of the future.
March 16, 2014 by DrJBHL
  Not a great name, but it is a great tool for keeping all data on your PC safe. Actually, it does the opposite what the name could be mistaken to imply. Why do you need it? Because Windows leaves tracks and traces which can be used to reconstruct files/activities, etc. “With Privacy Eraser, you have the ability to erase the tracks from leading web browsers, hard drive, commonly system folders, third-party software and more. The tool claims to clean the records forever, which ...
March 15, 2014 by DrJBHL
  In 2012, Stephen Power had a bad accident. His skull, cheek bones, nose and jaw were broken. He required emergency surgeries (several) which left his nose pushed to one side and eyes not parallel (so he was severely vision impaired. Last year, though, surgical specialists started working on new techniques using 3D printing at each stage. CT’s built a 3D model of his skull, and using it, the specialists produced parts (implants) to return his face to its original shape. The...
March 10, 2014 by DrJBHL
  Charlie, I always wanted to tell you that your nick was too durned long. Anyway, Charlie hasn’t been around for some time. That’s because he switched churches and got pretty heavily involved along with his late wife Kimberly in that new church… Then, due to bone pain Charlie saw his Doctor and found out he had advanced Prostate cancer. He’s undergone various treatments which have improved the quality of his life, but has learned recently that he doesn’t have a great d...