Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on July 31, 2024 By DrJBHL In WinCustomize Talk

Happy August! This month I was planning to use LightStar's Colors as my initial desktop, but then I've been using OD3, and wanted to remember how to load new backgrounds...so, I loaded munkeh's Naked Noir background that would be messiah1's Naked Noir port to OD backgrounds and so I went with v's original Master Skin Naked Noir, and Giz's port to Winstep for the docks on the right side of the screen. Good news...munkeh's background works great. You can find it here: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/objectdock/15679/

Wallpaper was from the web...

You can find the classic Naked Noir WB on LightStar's site here: https://lightstardesign.com/

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 31, 2024

Polarity by Lightstar for the last day of August 2024

on Aug 31, 2024


Polarity by Lightstar for the last day of August 2024

Absolutely love the blue/black combo in your setup.  

on Sep 02, 2024

And where is September desktop screenshots?   

on Sep 02, 2024


And where is September desktop screenshots?   

on Sep 02, 2024

Thank you Jan! I couldn't find it!!!  

on Sep 02, 2024


Thank you Jan! I couldn't find it!!!  

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