Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on May 19, 2011 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing


Toni Bowers (techrepublic) reports about Foxconn (in Shenzhen, PRC) where iPhones are made, there have been 11 suicides – workers jumping out of windows.

They’ve come up with a fix:


To be fair, they’re also upping wages by 50% and that action was accompanied by some long-term changes that the industrial giant’s leaders hope will change the lives and well-being of its employees before they get to the point of suicidal thoughts as well: They’ve also set up a ‘round the clock counseling center staffed by some 100 trained workers. I can’t tell whether there are psychologists in the center or not, but I’d think that would be appropriate.

Honestly? Wouldn’t you think they’d start getting active after the first or second? Can you imagine what the working conditions were?

“Foxconn made matters worse with a slow and initially clumsy response. In an exclusive interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, Gou conceded that he didn't immediately grasp the significance of the suicides. "I should be honest with you," he says. "The first one, second one, and third one, I did not see this as a serious problem. We had around 800,000 employees, and here [in Longhua] we are about 2.1 square kilometers. At the moment, I'm feeling guilty. But at that moment, I didn't think I should be taking full responsibility." After the fifth suicide, in March, Gou says, "I decided to do something different." – Terry Gou

Here’s some more inspiration from Mr. Gou:

Although drab and utilitarian, the campus is a fully functioning city, with fast-food joints, ATMs, Olympic-size swimming pools, huge LED screens that flash public-service announcements and cartoons, and a bookstore that sells, among other things, the Chinese-language translation of the Harvard Business Review. Prominent on display are biographies of Gou, one of which collects his many aphorisms, including "work itself is a type of joy," "a harsh environment is a good thing," "hungry people have especially clear minds," and "an army of one thousand is easy to get, one general is tough to find."- ibid

I guess he likes his folks to be really  joyful.

They’ve also engaged a firm (Bursen-Marstellar) to do PR work…. guess the image doesn’t sit well in the West. Mr. Guo amassed his estimated $9.5 billion dollar fortune from a $7,500 loan from his mom.

Link to the follow up article to this post.

Update (5.24.11): Plant Closed For Safety Inspection

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 19, 2011

Why do you think the middle east is ripe for implosion? It will spread and continue to spread inexorably until this planet is consumed. People are getting up the nerve to fight back. Problem is all the money grubbing power mad imbeciles have all the firepower while all we have are bodies like fodder for them to kill. This world is headed for a different kind of apocalypse that doesn't include zombies but desperate people looking to rid this planet of those greedy fucknuts. Too bad half Earth's population will probably die in the process.

on May 19, 2011

"hungry people have especially clear minds"

That's brilliant. I'm putting that up in the kitchen at work.

on May 19, 2011

That's brilliant. I'm putting that up in the kitchen at work.

I disagree. I think Marley said it best: "A hungry man is an angry man... a hungry mob is an angry mob."

Leaving aside all of the evolutionary psych behind this, I know that when I'm f'ing hungry, I'm f'ing angry.

on May 19, 2011

I read that the death toll is at 12. It went on to say there were 20 attempts, 16 actually jumped and 4 of those survived.

I also read that the management is horrible and the employees are mistreated. They are not allowed to speak to their co-workers and hollered and screamed at by their superiors constantly.

With the extent of their management's mistreatment of the workers, it's plausible that not all of the deaths were suicide.

on May 19, 2011

I know that when I'm f'ing hungry, I'm f'ing angry.

Now multiply that by about 6 billion people. I'd say we are the majority here. Imagine if the whole planet decided to revolt. Betcha the armed forces will do their damndest to kill us all. They work for the haves....not the have nots. Sometimes I think to myself that I'll be glad when I quit this world because I don't want to be around to see it.

on May 20, 2011

I agree. I've never understood why we need someone to tell us what to do, or why I have to spend all my prime years doing work for Big Corporation. We'd be much better off without all of it.

Who says you have to?  I have worked for over 40 years now, and only 12 of those were for a "big corporation".  The rest of the time I worked as a consultant/entrepreneur, either for friends or on my own.  And I have done very well.  Those who think they "must" work for big corporations lack imagination or incentive or both.

The difference between this story and America is the fact you can do just what I  - and most people in the work force - have done.

on May 20, 2011


"hungry people have especially clear minds"

That's brilliant. I'm putting that up in the kitchen at work.

OK... as long as you have to work 20 hrs. for 1/2 a sandwich.

Really... how heartless. I wonder what you would do under those conditions? Extend the logic:


"Starving to death should make you an Einstein."

on May 20, 2011

Dr Guy, it takes a specific kind of child rearing, or, temperament, etc., for someone to be a consultant/entrepreneur.  This in only ONE SET of people types. I am happy you have done well as an e...  The error you make is that few people make good e... just as few people are good generals.  To judge the rest of the population based on your skill set / temperament must be a wonderful place for you.   And, certainly, the 'America' being created since the Reganites began dismantling FDRr's legacy is an America where entrepreneurs can flourish more readily, (unencumbered by inefficient things like human rights, a fair and just economic system, truly treating ALL humans as if they were you), is one you hope for.   Just look at GE, look at the most recent chariperson of the FCC, who ruled, "on the public behalf" that the humungo merger should be allowed.  A month later she leaves the FCC and takes the CEO (CFO?) position of the new merged-mega communications enterprise. No conflict of interest here... LOL.. just entrepreneurial skills at work. Are these 'your' friends, I wonder?

Yes, a few people can do well with the entrepreneur thing... but does that mean society should be designed to give these people totally free reign, amass power such that they can control the so-called representative government, and screw the 'unnecessary' rest of the people?   One famous entrepreneur, back when the Pinkertons were first organized (to threaten, beat up and murder union organizers) boasted that "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half."  Such an enterprising gentleman... he knew what services were needed, AND he knew who had the money to pay for those services... and he put them together... free enterprise at work!  

Dr Guy, the America you seem to want, (I may have misunderstood you), sadly to say, is one that is pushing most people down into a third world status - rather than using our skills, talents, etc., to create systems that pull them out of third world status.  *** Be honest with yourself, go look at the tax tables, and real incomes of all strata of the USA, and compare them, from year to year, beginning in, say 1960, to the present.  *** YOU may be doing well 'with your friends'   But most Americans are not.  And most Americans are not, not because they don't want to work, or work hard, but because most of the sustainable jobs have been moved out of the country by 'entrepreneurs.'  Have some of your 'friends' helped move jobs away from the USA, in the name of cheaper labor costs? Big companies have successfully lobbied to remove regulation and oversight on the part of the nasty 'intrusive' feds.  Then these same corps write new laws giving them more freedom to abuse the so-called 'free market.'  Its not a free market 'sandbox' where most citizens are ant size, and a few corp giants / working for the ultra rich stomp around and squash any ants that get 'uppity.'  The free market is an illusion, used to give the powerful license to continue to aggrandize them selves even more, at the expense of the people, in the name of 'free enterprise,' via a rigged 'free market' world.   A hungry mind is a sharp mind.... yes?   (I wonder if Mr GOO is hungry - except maybe for even more money and power, and more subjects to yell at all the time).  NO, I am sure he dines on the best food the 'free market' world can bring to his 'command economy' country.  

So, Dr. Guy... the friends with whom you are doing so well consulting... have they been a part of moving jobs out of the USA? Have they been a part of deceptive advertising?  have they pushed for reducing fed gov't oversight / regulation of giant corporations' unfair use of the (rigged) free market?   Entrepreneurs are a special breed of people, and I admire what some have done... and what they bring can be wonderful.  But should the rewards include becoming mega corps that lie, cheat, steal (legally and illegally), use the airwaves to mis-represent?  NO!!!!  Seeing their creative genius implemented for the benefit of their brothers and sisters (all humans) - along with some physical rewards should be enough.  "Power ... power.. power..." the trinity of the emerging quasi American / quasi global elites.  "Greed... greed... greed.... the trinity of the USA entrepreneur class."  And where will it leave the masses of (the rest of) humanity?  In a world filled with Foxxcons (Fox cons?), and 'company stores,'  (remember them - another great American /brit - entrepreneur / corporate invention),  most people will be treated as chattel, as a commodity to be used, and then thrown away... like hotel maids, retired workers, and defective babies.  Oh, I am sure most of these people have ways to rationalize their 'superiority."  Kings used religion to teach that they rule because of the 'divine right of kings.... One Louie went so far as to proclaim "I am the state."  Calvinism (Protestantism) taught that the rich were the chosen of g-d.  Now, most of the UN-evolved creatures that sit atop the pyramid, (I suspect) rationalize that it is their right because their ancestors won the social-darwinism race (were better thieves / oppressors) ... and their heirs, and trust fund kids deserve it because their blood ("good breeding") is superior.  (( Note:  Actually, Darwin was a rather devout Christian - and delayed publishing his theory - mostly because he was afraid it would be used by some to justify their superior positions - Darwin was afraid that a concept of 'social Darwinism' would be derived from his theory.  He was right to be concerned. )) Charles Dickens did a wonderful service helping to expose the folly and dangers of this so-called 'free market.'  

Dr guy, when the new entrepreneurs finish consolidating power, will I be forced to beg from one of your business associates / friends:  "Sir, may I please have a bowl of gruel?"  Or do your friends and associates use their enterprises to lift us all to a more fair, level, and more empowered life?  I hope its the latter... 

on May 20, 2011

I may have missed it here....but why have these people decided to become land darts in the first place? What ever happened to just quiting a crappy job and finding a new one?

on May 20, 2011

 pose !

on May 20, 2011

Is your job THIS bad?

Ain't nothing bad enough for the "final solution" IMHO...

on May 20, 2011

Why don't they just quit? What does killing yourself solve, that quitting does not?

because in communist china the government assigns you a job, a place to live ect, im suprised they dont brush their teeth for them as well.

wan sui wan sui mao zhu xi.

which means: "long live chairman mao'...........god, no thanks, id rather a free life than a commie one.

i still love the asians, but truly dislike their government, their way of brainwashed thinking, and the way they are taught that money is the be all to end all.


on May 20, 2011

This in only ONE SET of people types. I am happy you have done well as an e... The error you make is that few people make good e..

First, I was using my own experience as a model since I am most familiar with that.  However, my statement about "most" was actually a veiled reference to the fact that "most" Americans do not work for large corporations.  Most jobs are with small mom and pop shops or self owned businesses.  I have hired others on occasion to do some work for me - on a 1099 basis.  But that gets them started thinking they can make a livelihood of it.  My point being that if you do not like the 'corporations' (I do not care for them either - too impersonal), you have a great deal of choices here - that is not the case in places like China where almost all assets are owned and operated by one corporation - the State.

Just look at GE

BTW - GE Far predates Reagan.  Indeed, the CEO is best buds with the latest holder of the FDR mantle - Obama.  For the record, FDR loved big companies as well - he just loved big government more.

Dr Guy, the America you seem to want, (I may have misunderstood you), sadly to say, is one that is pushing most people down into a third world status

you most certainly did misunderstand me.  I do not see how you can come to that conclusion when my whole premise was YOUR freedom to chose YOUR way of earning a living - in other words of not being dependent on the whims and passing fancies of someone else.  My world, the only people in 3rd world status are those who want to be like the Adult baby

on May 20, 2011

Dr guy, when the new entrepreneurs finish consolidating power,

(Sorry for the split response, I pushed the wrong button)

You should be over at the other thread then talking about how the "new entrepreneurs" are working WITH the very people you think are your benefactors - to institutionalize their power.  The biggest myth about "big corporations" is that they are somehow conservative.  Is Imelt, Jobs, Schmidt, or Zuckerberg conservative (better check their party membership).  Big corporations are very apolitical, smoozing with whatever party is in power - to maintain their power.  And both parties are more than happy to suck up to them.  The largest benefactor of BP cash in history was Obama.  Imelt is on more of Obama's boards than Charlie Sheen has temper tantrums.

No, you assume incorrectly in every facet.  My world is not made up of big corporations (I have already stated I do not care for them), nor of starving people, but of empowered people who can tell Obama, Congress, Imelt and Schmidt to take a flying leap off a short pier.

I can only say the difference between you and I may be in empowerment.  I believe in it, and you seem to fear it.  If I am wrong, please correct me and tell me why the empowerment of individuals is such a bad thing.

on May 20, 2011

I have a friend in Canada who, with even a substantial amount of money, could not get a loan to start a small business to compete against the big box stores like future shop and Walmart. Doomed to fail. Try getting some young entrepreneurial group to start up , lets say a shoe factory, of which in my city there was a few that closed. How do you compete in a market that allows overseas labour like this thread. Even the latest manufacturing company I worked for, the employees bought the overseas made competitions product because it was cheaper, then balled and cried and a few nervous breakdowns when the plant closed and moved to china. WOW people are idiots.

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