Ramblings of an old Doc
Sleazy marketing 101
Published on September 12, 2018 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing

Saw this and it really bothered me, although by this time it really shouldn't have.

At any rate, store your bookmarked sites on your desktop (use the export function under bookmarks), just in case MS decides to uninstall your Chrome and/or Fire Fox.






on Sep 12, 2018

If this is true then Microsoft has descended to new lows.

Guess they need to be slapped with another AntiTrust charge to refresh their minds.

on Sep 12, 2018

I used to use Microsoft Internet Explorer. Then one day it became quite evident that Microsoft hadn't been updating or maintaining IE for quite a while. I moved on to other internet browsers. Now they have the gull to tell me to switch back? No thanks.

Edit: I didn't like that they abandoned their software, and I don't trust to them not abandon it again.

on Sep 12, 2018

The message from your link - “You already have Microsoft Edge – the safer, faster browser for Windows 10” - strikes me as merely (unwanted in my case) marketing.  Wouldn't really call it a warning.  It'll probably get them some extra Edge users - some people will believe whatever you throw in front of them.

I can't really see them arbitrarily uninstalling currently patched Chrome or Firefox, seems like that would be crossing "The Line."  Never hurts to keep your bookmarks backed up anyway though.

Thanks for the post, always interesting.

on Sep 12, 2018

it doesn't warn you to not install stuff. it's just an ad. blatantly false ad, mind you.

and annoying as the log in ad that i keep getting in the notification centre promoting some ms account login thingy (i think)

on Sep 12, 2018

Microshit can shove it!   

on Sep 12, 2018

Update, September 12th 4PM ET: Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell The Verge this particular warning won’t appear in the final October update. We have updated the article to reflect this is simply being tested.

on Sep 12, 2018

Update, September 12th 4PM ET: Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell The Verge this particular warning won’t appear in the final October update. We have updated the article to reflect this is simply being tested.


In other words: let's see if we can already get away with murder... oh, we still can't? Ooops. Never mind people, it was all a joke, nothing to see here, go back to whatever you were doing (crap!).

on Sep 12, 2018


If this is true then Microsoft has descended to new lows.

Guess they need to be slapped with another AntiTrust charge to refresh their minds.

I think it's about time that somebody stepped up and took MS to task.... and an AntiTrust charge might just do that and bring MS back to Earth, because it seems of late that MS thinks it is God... or should I say a certain CEO thinks he is.

Truly, what with forced updates; 'Suggestions', or should I say blatant advertising on the Start Menu and in File Explorer, MS had already descended to new lows.  This new low means that MS will alienate even more users and perhaps even lose some market share as disenchanted users migrate to Mac OS-X or Linux. 

Thing is, I don't see the so-called 'Suggestions'.  I installed Win10 Spy Disabler, which disables them, along with other annoying crap built into Win 10, and, as I recently discovered, Automatic Updates as well.  For mine, users should take/use every precaution to prevent MS snooping and forcing stuff down their throats... creating the 'Walled Garden', so to speak.

on Sep 12, 2018


Quoting Jafo,

Update, September 12th 4PM ET: Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell The Verge this particular warning won’t appear in the final October update. We have updated the article to reflect this is simply being tested.


In other words: let's see if we can already get away with murder... oh, we still can't? Ooops. Never mind people, it was all a joke, nothing to see here, go back to whatever you were doing (crap!).

You posted this while I was still writing, but yeah, I was going to say something similar.   The problem is, however, while MS seems to be outwardly backtracking, it most likely isn't inwardly.  After the most recent MS updates I had several programs uninstalled: Right Click Enhancer; Speccy; Everything; NordVPN and TeraCopy.... not to mention Winstep Xtreme and several Stardock apps. 

While the latter ones 'may' have been unintentional [though now I doubt it], the ones I mentioned beforehand have previously been uninstalled on other machines of mine.  I also recall somebody else a while back posting about Updates uninstalling his copy of Speccy 

Frankly, it comes across as though MS doesn't want some 3rd party apps on its 'flagship OS', and therefore will uninstall them during Scheduled Maintenance [which now I also have disabled] and/or Windows Updates.  Like I said before, let's all do whatever it takes as users to slow down MS's march towards a Walled Garden, and hopefully as a united group we can prevent it.... like vote with our wallets if need be.

on Sep 13, 2018

Microsoft has forgotten it was DOS that got them to where they are today. The purpose of a operating system is to run the computer(basically) programs. Somebody needs to come out with an operating system that let's you do this. Run programs, not just Microsoft programs oh wait they have it, and it's called Linux.

on Sep 13, 2018


it's called Linux.

The problem with Linux becoming mainstream is that there are too many variants, and as such, there aren't enough major software developers willing to create for Linux because of it.  While Adobe's Photoshop, for example, may run on Mint and Ubuntu, it may not on Red Hat and others.   However, if the core variations between the distros were minimised so that various softwares ran on all of them, then perhaps the Linux OSes could rise to the fore.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Linux as I like Ubuntu and Mint a lot, it's just that I find myself coming back to Windows when I need various softwares to edit videos and etc.  I'd love it if developers like Ashampoo and Stardock would create their software for Ubuntu, though, then I doubt I'd want or need to switch back to Windows.