Ramblings of an old Doc


Nice and useful new app to find out quickly if any of your online accounts have been hacked.

“When you first start up the app, it informs you of how your email address is used once you enter it, stating that it is only passed to the Have I been pwned? service and not sent anywhere else. Once your account is added, it will show you a list of any breaches that your email address is known to have been involved in.

A handy feature of 'Hacked?' is that you can enable background monitoring. This allows it to automatically check for new breaches every 12 hours and lets you know if you are involved. This means you will no longer need to manually check each time a new leak of data is reported, as you'll instead be notified automatically, across your Windows 10 devices.” – Neowin

This is an early model of the app and as such there are some glitches, mostly in the UI, and some error pop ups…but they really don’t lessen the app’s usefulness at this point, and since it’s in active development, those glitches should soon be history.

It’s free, and you can get it here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/hacked/9nblggh6850j?tduid=(95333aed9c2f85d48589bcb4692cc1bc)(256380)(2459594)(TnL5HPStwNw-EuNzycU03ANG0c4Ji9vSdQ)()



on May 29, 2016

Good stuff. Thanks, Seth.

on May 29, 2016

Welcome, Hank.

on May 29, 2016

You can also just go here directly https://haveibeenpwned.com/


on May 29, 2016


You can also just go here directly https://haveibeenpwned.com/


As mentioned in the OP. However, you will have to check over and over IF you remember, whereas the app will do that for you at fixed intervals automatically, if you tell it to.