Now, and in the past, when you straightened the horizon of a photo, or cropped it, annoying white triangles were generated which had to be cloned to fill, or significant areas of your photo would be lost when Photoshop put the new borders inside the pre-crop image to avoid those white areas.
Now, the same technology which is used in the patch tool, content aware move/extend tools and spot healing brush will be part of the crop tool as well.
Here’s how you will be able to use it:
- Move the horizon by adding more sky or ground
- Change the aspect ratio by adding content around the edges of your image
- Fill in the corners when you rotate an image so you don’t give up any of your pixels
Of's better in video:
Adobe also hinted there’s a lot more coming in the expected update (such as the movement correction tool…although they haven’t said so yet…
I for one am looking forward to this new feature!