Ramblings of an old Doc


Windows 10 Zhuangongban (Specially Provided Edition) aimed at gov’’t. owned businesses and gov’t. agencies has just been completed by MS.

“Microsoft's Chinese chief said the edition "may remove some of the special edition for consumer applications and features to enhance the product's ease of management and security, to meet the special needs of the Chinese government." (Source: caixin.com)

It’s probably safe to assume that the enhanced management and security tools are not for the benefit of the individual users, but rather for the Chinese government, and some standard applications bundled with Windows won't be included in the software.

“Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi said it would never cede control of Windows itself: "We will maintain ownership of the core Windows 10 technology while working, as we've always done, to allow customers and partners to build components that plug into our platform." (Source: pcworld.com)

The Chinese government previously banned W8 based on “security concerns”…well, since most Chinese were running Windows XP, we can guess whose security they meant.

As of now, many of the government computers in China run a Linux based Win XP clone called NeoKylin which was not purchased from MS as far as I can tell, but rather “created” in China with funding from the Chinese government.

So…money talks, as usual, and so much for that “single OS” they loved talking about.



on Mar 29, 2016

what sane government would want an os deployed in gov machines that let a foreign company grab all sorts of info.

don't see how it's any sort of surprise. think about it, the us itself is iffy about using foreign made hardware in their infrastructure, citing security concerns.

on Mar 29, 2016

Me? "I know nussing. Nussing."

I just report the news...


on Mar 29, 2016

So…money talks, as usual, and so much for that “single OS” they loved talking about.

That'd be right, MS can cut out the 'spy' crap for the Chinese gov't, but the rest of the world still has to use a phone home OS that tells MS all sorts of everybody's business.  It stinks is so inadequate when trying to describe MS' double standards.... its pursuit of Chinese cash.

And for the record... again, I don't like Windows 10.  Been running it for a couple of weeks since it was foisted upon me, and there are too many niggling issues to call it a half decent OS.  For one, it uses more resources than Win 8.1, with my CPU often peaking around 90% to 100% when doing very little, and then there's the annoying trait that pops up frequent messages saying an unexpected error won't allow me to delete, move or copy files to another folder.  And [including these issues] Win 10 is no faster than Win 8.1.  Maybe without all the spy crap and built-in 'apps', the Chinese will find 10 faster... without having to use + twice the resources to achieve it.