Ramblings of an old Doc


We’ve seen in the past that Barbie dolls (the interactive sort) and Amazon’s Echo listen to you even when you aren’t aware they are. Of course, Mattel and Amazon tell you that all information passed on is “depersonalized” and not at all invasive.

Now, makeuseof has noticed around the web, people are seeing ads suddenly appear which seem to be linked to conversations they had when their smartphones are being used for messaging or conversations. They deny having “googled” about the topic of the add involved.

The author noticed this…but also a bunch of shows he never watches after leaving his phone at his mother’s house.

This led the author to ask the question in the title:

“It does seem as though this is something more than coincidence. But can it be proven that smartphone mics are being used to collect data and target appropriate content at users?” – makeuseof

Well, Google and facebook deny all accusations.

So…have any of you folks noticed this behavior on your phones?



Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 15, 2016

There are plenty of incarcerated that are guilty without any doubt of guilt. ..and too many parolees rape and murder whilst ther is no repercussions for the board who let them go


on Mar 15, 2016

Actually, the question I originally asked would involve a process akin to the way Google scans emails, etc. to provide "tailored" advertising, but would involve voice recognition.


Sorry to interrupt...but just wanted to get back to the OP and the original question I posed...

Has anyone seen advertising tailored to a subject discussed in the presence of one's phone within, say the 24 hours? I was just wondering after having read that story (in Sources) on the net.


on Mar 15, 2016


Has anyone seen advertising tailored to a subject discussed in the presence of one's phone within, say the 24 hours? I was just wondering after having read that story (in Sources) on the net.


Yes...back on topic....and 'no'.

One other point.... I don't use my phone for emails...so that's one less way the 'snooping' might happen...

on Mar 15, 2016

No, I've not seen it on my phone, either.  However, I do not use the apps any more, just for texts and calls.

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