Ramblings of an old Doc


So happy this is happening to the “We’re making changes to help you tag photos even though you didn’t ask” folks.

Apparently, the “social network” violated Illinois privacy laws:

  • Not providing written notification that his biometric data was being collected or stored.
  • It is also unlawful to collect biometric data in the state without clearly stating the purpose for which that data is being collected, along with notification of how long it would be stored for.

For those who wish to review the statute: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=3004&ChapterID=57 . It might exist in that or different form in your location.

At the heart of the suit is Facebook's "tag suggestions" program which scans images uploaded by users - with facial recognition technology developed by Face.com, a company later acquired by Facebook - and then identifies any friends who may also be using the service so that they may tag them if they so wish. Facebook does of course allow users to change their privacy settings, via an opt-out, to prevent other users from tagging them in photos, but that doesn’t prevent Facebook from taking and storing the data and preventing any deletion…which means it’s vulnerable to hacking.

It should be noted that Facebook abandoned the program in Europe in 2012, for just those very concerns. Here (in the USA), it was suspended temporarily but after “improvements” was put back into effect. Facebook’s defense is that Facebook's 'faceprint' database only works with its own proprietary software and "alone, the templates are useless bits of data," adding that users can choose to opt out of the feature, at which time their data will be deleted.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said in 2011 that it was concerned about a "third party maliciously breaching a database of biometric information". The FTC noted how, because a person could not change their face, "once exposed, a victim has no recourse to prevent becoming victim to misconduct like identity theft and unauthorized tracking."

I’ll be keeping you updated as things progress. Undoubtedly the EFF will have an amicus brief to file in the matter. The principle litigant is seeking class action status.



on Apr 10, 2015

I've never been tempted to set up a Facebook account but my wife has been on it for 3-4 years now.  I've helped her with managing the so-called privacy settings, or attempted to, anyway.  The impression I've come away with is that having a Facebook account is like being stripped naked and paraded through Times Square on New Year's Eve, but they somehow manage to make all those ogling people invisible to you, and you have no idea how many of them there are.  Maybe Lara Logan in Tahrir Square is a better metaphor, maybe not.

on Apr 11, 2015

LOL.  Like a bunch of "dumb effers" as Mr. Zuckerberg put it to his Facebook users are going to sucessfully take on and win suit over Zuckerberg's facebook.  The ONLY WAY elitist aholes like our youngest billionaire playboy here end up paupers is thermonuclear war maybe.  The hyper rich usually stay hyper rich.  Funny how that works. 

on Apr 11, 2015

Stanley Tarrant

The ONLY WAY elitist aholes like our youngest billionaire playboy here end up paupers is thermonuclear war maybe.

Oh...I'm sure he has that covered too....shares in D.I.Y atom-splitters....

on Apr 11, 2015

My ex-wife keeps trying to get me to get involved in social media. She must think I'm stupid.     -- Ace --

on Apr 11, 2015

It has been clear from the get-go that FB has never cared about, nor respected their users in the slightest.  This goes back to the alleged inception of FB when it was tentatively called "the face book" and operated out of his Harvard dorm room when Zuck marveled that his fellow Harvardites would simply hand over all of their personal information: "They trust me - dumb fucks." was his comment on the matter.

I'll be the first to say that I said a lot of jerk things when I was a 19 year old kid, and if I was a boy-king on track to be a billionaire I probably would've held onto that immaturity longer than I would have had I had to function like a normal person in the real world.  But still...

Why anyone would ever expect any sort of fair treatment from a corporate behemoth that arose from these sorts of roots seems to me as completely bizarre.  Similarly I'm really unsure why anyone would feel compelled to have anything to do with this organization..



on Apr 11, 2015


Why anyone would ever expect any sort of fair treatment from a corporate behemoth that arose from these sorts of roots seems to me as completely bizarre. Similarly I'm really unsure why anyone would feel compelled to have anything to do with this organization..

Anyone who trusts FB with anything  is naive, ill-informed or completely mad.  I went to FB once and once only because a friend suggested it would be a good way to keep in touch.  However, despite having only visited FB once, I continue to be pestered by emails from the *****.  I've blocked the originating address and domain, yet the emails continue to arrive.  Okay, so they are going to my junk folder, but what it says to me is that you can't opt out... regardless of your attempts to do so.

For mine, Facebook is more evil than Google... and that's saying something.