Ramblings of an old Doc


Three years ago, DARPA financed an IBM project to create a whole new paradigm of computing. The Result is SyNAPSE (Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics). This chip is radically different than any of its predecessors.

“It’s a silicon core capable of digitally replicating the brain's neurons, synapses and axons. To achieve this, researchers took a dramatic departure from the conventional von Neumann computer architecture, which links internal memory and a processor with a single data channel…which isn’t at all power efficient and the problem worsens in larger systems. IBM integrated memory directly within its processors, wedding hardware with software in a design that more closely resembles the brain's cognitive structure. This severely limits data transfer speeds, but allows the system to execute multiple processes in parallel (much like humans do), while minimizing power usage.” – Engadget

This video appeared 2 years ago explaining at a simple level, cognitive computing or AI. There isn’t a good sync between the brain anatomy and his speech…the areas mentioned aren’t the ones being seen on the video, and when he mentions the thalamus, it’s the two gold oblate spheroids not the medulla/pons depicted below them (same color) anyway: http://youtu.be/agYJSdMWXYQ

So, the project has progressed…a great deal in 3 years. That original single core chip now emulates one million neurons, 256 million synapses and 4,096 synaptic cores…while requiring 70mW of power…which is 1 hearing aid battery’s worth.

This is a major achievement (I’m very impressed, but truly concerned)…the achievement is the processing of sensory data by merging and computing in parallel.

How impressive is this? Well, as Dr. Dharmendra S. Modha (IBM’s Chief Scientist) put it, “You can carry one of our boards in your backpack. You can’t carry four racks of standard computers in your backpack.”

As I said, I’m truly impressed by this and what it will bring to computing and to medical devices.

What I’m concerned about is AI in general.




Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 09, 2014


"embrace the cyborgs......assimilate!"

The first day of AI might just be the last day of H. sap.

on Aug 09, 2014

did anyone watch Transcendence lately
If you did imagine it would come to the conclusion that Humans are inefficent and useless for progress...  scared about it (have to watch a Happy Disney movie to get rid of that thought)

on Aug 09, 2014


The first day of AI might just be the last day of H. sap.


Absolutely, but think........no more debating public healthcare in the US!  hehe 

on Aug 09, 2014


Absolutely, but think........no more debating public healthcare in the US!

And even the self-righteous become stupid and irrelevant.

on Aug 09, 2014

No sense of humor either.

on Aug 10, 2014

I guess a smiley is required now.

Just to be clear(er) I wasn't referring to the_Monk.

on Aug 10, 2014

low powered human brain emulation


I just wish they had checked with me before modeling it after me.....    Why didn't they just name it Redneck.     

on Aug 10, 2014

Check your mailbox for royalty checks, RND.

on Aug 10, 2014


low powered human brain emulation


I just wish they had checked with me before modeling it after me.....    Why didn't they just name it Redneck.     


They were afraid you wouldn't understand?




on Aug 10, 2014

on Aug 10, 2014



What can I say...


on Aug 10, 2014


They were afraid you wouldn't understand?

That is one funny LMAO emoticon Red.  

on Aug 10, 2014


How about you give it a command to build a better and more efficient computer? 

The problem is that it WILL. Nowhere in that will be the command 'You must obey humans'...which may or may not be a great idea.

Perhaps what really is needed is "The Three Laws of Robotics" (a.k.a. Asimov's Laws):


    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.


    1. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.


    1. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.




See the movie "I, Robot" to explore just how a 'smart' AI could use the three laws to imprison us.  They are a great start, but more is needed. 


on Aug 10, 2014


See the movie "I, Robot" to explore just how a 'smart' AI could use the three laws to imprison us.  They are a great start, but more is needed. 

I'd recommend the short story collection the movie is (barely) based on. Ends with much, much greater insight into the long-term consequences of a superior intelligence dealing with the shackles of the 3 laws. Profound and disturbing.

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