Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on May 13, 2014 By DrJBHL In Everything Else


Mr. Barry Clifford may have found the Santa Maria. The ship was lost off Haiti on its last voyage in December, 1492 when it ran aground on a reef.

The really interesting part of the story is that Mr. Clifford found the wreck back in 2003, but didn’t realize its significance. He found some ballast stones and a ship’s cannon. That cannon was misclassified in 2003. Two years ago, while researching the cannons in use during Columbus’ time, he awoke in the middle of the night with a ‘Eureka’ moment.

Two or three weeks ago he returned to the site with experts. They measured and photographed and found a few items missing, apparently looted over the intervening decade.

Prof. Charles Beeker of IU stated he found the evidence uncovered so far “very compelling”. They’ll be excavating more in the near future.

It would be remarkable (and truly cool) if it really turned out to be the Santa Maria.



on May 13, 2014

My favorite part is when Mr. Clifford had a Eureka moment in the middle of the night!  I love when that happens!!  

I wonder what else they will find? 

on May 13, 2014

Was just reading this in yahoo news. What a great find if true.

on May 13, 2014

At least I can 'onestly say I 'ad nuffin ta do wiv sinkin it... tho I lays claim t' any booty wot might be found... on account I would 'ave pillaged n' sunk 'er 'ad I bin there.

on May 13, 2014

At least I can 'onestly say I 'ad nuffin ta do wiv sinkin it.

Sergeant Schultz speaks Pirate?



on May 13, 2014


Quoting starkers, reply 3At least I can 'onestly say I 'ad nuffin ta do wiv sinkin it.

Sergeant Schultz speaks Pirate?



No, he knows nuthing... he sees nuthing, and he hears nuthing.  More importantly, he does nuthing... unless there's apple strewdel involveded.

On a serious note, I do hope there is more news on this find, perhaps even a documentary of the entire process, from finding it to whatever relics may be salvaged for future generations in museums, etc.  I love all things archaeology and ancient history, finding historic sites and relics that show how mankind has lived and evolved. It's all such fascinating stuff.

on May 13, 2014

You may like this Mark.

on May 13, 2014

CC is now evil incarnate in the new PC world.  Anything they find will be evidence of his cruelty and racism.

Just sayin'.

on May 13, 2014

Now that's what I'm talking about.... absolutely fascinating.  A 12,000 year old temple and its excavation is my cup of tea.  I sat through the entire segment and didn't even get up for a pee, I was that engrossed in it... and at my age in cooler weather, it's not such a good idea to hold off going for so long when the loo is all the way at the other end of the house.  Still, it was a very good doco. 

Something else I'm going to look into is the Nephilim.  I have a DVD which came free with something or other my sister bought, and something which she thought would be right up my alley, and on it are some Nephilim documentaries, which I may just sit down and watch later this afternoon.  I saw a doco on TV some time ago regarding the Nephilim, and thought then I'd like to know more about them, and here is my opportunity to do so, courtesy of mine sister.

on May 14, 2014

Google this...Dwarka.