For all you DuckDuckGo enthusiasts, there are new developments!
I only learned of the redesign through, since it hasn’t been officially announced and it’s still in beta, but it’s really customizable now. The first image is from gHacks. The new beta is on the left. Note, the bottom of the original has been replaced by 3 buttons below the search window. If you use Chrome, there is a button to make it your default search engine in that browser. What’s cool is that if you open the beta link in Firefox, the beta page detects that you’re using that browser and the button becomes ‘Use in Firefox’.
Here’s the link to the beta:
After clicking the hamburger button on the upper right, a menu is revealed:
When the ‘Settings’ is clicked on, there are several tabs revealed, and color choices for search results are revealed, as well as other choices which you should take a look at at least once:
This is in beta right now, and you can go to the DuckDuckGo Forums and discuss any changes you might feel would help improve the final RTM.
Anyway, just so you know it’s in the works and you can contribute. I find that now, you get fewer links displayed, and images are larger. Also, official sites are displayed with a red border, which is rather helpful for searches involving say, drivers if you bear in mind that your OEM might have modified the driver to work on your computer.
I’m not convinced that the one real change (image and video search) required a total redesign, but it isn’t shabby, and it works for me.