Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on February 23, 2014 By DrJBHL In Everything Else


The last of the original family and child to Georg and Maria von Trapp, immortalized by the Broadway play and Oscar winning movie in the mid ‘60s has passed on in her home in Vermont, has died at age 99.

She and her family escaped the Nazis during WWII. Her mother wrote a book providing the plot for the play and movie. During and after the war, her family toured and sang, becoming very popular.

They eventually settled in their ski resort in Vermont.

Rest In Peace.

on Feb 23, 2014

Rest In Peace, Maria.

on Feb 23, 2014

yes, I was just reading about it.... article also has a pic of the kids all grown up..   link..

they had no idea when they were making that film that it would be timeless and loved by so many future generations...

an amazing life story... RIP Maria... 

on Feb 23, 2014

on Feb 23, 2014



on Feb 23, 2014

This Maria is the Step-daughter. Maria Von Trapp died in the late 1980's at age 88.

on Feb 23, 2014

and child to Georg and Maria von Trapp

SJN, I think the OP says that.   

on Feb 23, 2014

She was a daughter of Maria and Georg von Trapp: Not step daughter.



on Feb 23, 2014

She was a daughter of Maria and Georg von Trapp:

actually, she was the daughter of Georg and Agathe...

she was 'Louisa' in the movie.. all the names were changed.... she apparently had a weak heart as a child... but managed to outlive them all (except her 3 latter half siblings he had with second wife Maria from the convent)..

all gets very confusing with the name changes....