Ramblings of an old Doc


The instructors? The best:

Dave Cross, Jack Davis, Russell Brown, Khara Plicanic, Jared Platt, Lindsay Adler, Julieanne Kost, Lesa Snider, Bryan ONeill Hughes, Suzette Allen and more to be announced.

Price? Free (has reruns at night). Just register here: http://www.creativelive.com/conferences/photoshop-week-2014?cla=enroll

Remember…Photoshop senses your fear.

No excuses.

on Feb 06, 2014

My Photoshop is older than your Photoshop!

Seriously, I haven't upgraded since 7, as I needed backward compatability with XP.  7 does everything I need it to though, so while I'm missing a few bells and whistles I'm happy with what I have.

Plus, I don't like the new 'subscription' model that Adobe has went with...

on Feb 06, 2014

In fact, you can get Photoshop CC6 and Lightroom5 for $9.99 per month until 3/31. With all the newest bells and whistles. Less than $120/year? Seriously?

You could also buy the stand alone versions of CS6 and Lr5 but they won't update.

on Feb 06, 2014

If I had to pay even $9.99 a month for the Photoshop 7 I have now, I'd be WELLLLL over what I did pay for it.  10 years x 12 months x $9.99 is $1198.80, well over the $350-$500 I ended up paying for it.  And, as I said, it still serves me well, but then I use it for me, not some graphics design company.

Oh, and CS6 STILL wouldn't work on my XP laptop (processor is too old).

Commercially oriented companies MIGHT come out ahead in the long run with the subscription model, as they can diversify those costs amongst their clients, but for an average Joe like me, well let's just say GIMP is looking mighty tempting if Photoshop 7 ever lets me down.  It hasn't so far.

You can keep Adobe's subscription model.  As for me, I won't buy another Adobe product until they at least offer a standalone one time purchase version.

on Feb 06, 2014

As for me, I won't buy another Adobe product until they at least offer a standalone one time purchase version.

Did you notice what I wrote?

You could also buy the stand alone versions of CS6 and Lr5 but they won't update.

on Feb 06, 2014

I did see that.  Again, that 'won't update' thing is bothersome to me, not that I would ever update.  Plus, as I said, Photoshop 7 does me fine.  I simply am NOT supportive of Adobe's current software subscription model, as well as several tech sites that are also not in support of it.  I'm allowed, it's a free country.

CS6 won't run on my older machine as well, at least not without it severely struggling...