Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on January 24, 2014 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing


Today, Gmail had a worldwide outage. The reason for it hasn’t been given, but after scrambling to get their huge servers back online, one hotmail account started getting thousands of emails.

David S. Peck is the poor shnook this happened to. When you search Google for gmail, and you click on a link, you open an email with the address dsp559@hotmail.com. The emails aren’t from a single link, and have no spam attached…so he can’t even filter them out.

Needless to say, this is not a happy camper.

So…MS’s anti-Google campaign is valid for this one poor guy. David has been Scroogled. But good.

I’m beginning to think that Google might have been hit by one helluva virus…just because of the severe problems over several hours.

But, I could be wrong.



on Jan 24, 2014

on Jan 24, 2014

Severe problems over several hours? That wasn't my experience. My Gmail went down for only 15 minutes.

on Jan 24, 2014

I never even noticed. 

on Jan 24, 2014

G mail?  Whats that?

on Jan 25, 2014


I never even noticed. 

Probably because Google announced it on Google Plus, Jim (also because you didn't end up with zillions of emails).

Elana...please tell me you're being facetious.


kona...what can one say?

"We spoke to Mr. Peck on the phone just now, and he says he’s been receiving thousands of emails, the majority of which are blank.

“I’ve been getting thousands of no-subject, blank emails,” he says. “500 of them come every hour, I can’t stop them.”

The issue actually started yesterday, he says, and he contacted Hotmail support this morning to try to get help. Ironically, he asked them to contact him at his alternate email address, which is Gmail."

"Update: This article and headline were edited to clarify this is a glitch and related to Gmail, but until we can confirm with Google we won’t assume it’s the same glitch that caused the Gmail outage or is related to that outage. A variation of this bug was spotted earlier, according to Search Engine Land.


Since publication, we’ve received tips that a number of other users may be affected in similar ways as Mr. Peck – that is, it’s their address that is appearing when the link is clicked by Google searchers.


UPDATE, 6 PM ET: A Google spokesperson provided the following:


“Due to a technical glitch, some email addresses on public webpages appeared too prominently in search results. We’ve fixed the issue and are sorry for any inconvenience caused.”


Google has also confirmed that today’s glitch was not related to today’s Gmail outage." - Techcrunch

on Jan 25, 2014

I haven't used my GeeMail in ages

I'm afraid to check it now......

on Jan 25, 2014

Yes, Seth, I was being facetious. All the craziness with Google emails, lately seems so silly.  Google is making cutting edge tech, innovating,  exploring so many new areas... pushing the boundaries of Biology-machine interfacing (pre cyborg tech?).  Yet their basic email freaks out?  ROFL.