It’s no secret…Google Reader will die at midnight tonight. You’ll have to choose between various options. Local or server based RSS, syncing across various devices, etc. For professionals, who choose their sources from millions RSS is still a big deal.
First, If you want to keep your data intact, you’ll need to export everything…today. If you’ve logged on, you’ll see:

To do that, go to this page: and:

You’ll end up with a zip file.
What some good services to look at… Feedly which will import your Google Reader in one click after logging in. Feedly doesn’t have a search function (yet). Then, there’s Digg Reader, also with an import function, but still under development and without a search function.
Others? AOL (believe it or not) and newsvibe. Worth a look, as are Newsblur (costs $24/year), and there are several others as well...if you like the magazine type feed, Flipboard is a winner. and there's Zite, and Pulse too.
A lot also depends on what you intend to use it on, iOS, Android or get to it!
Anyway…just a reminder. Sad about Google Reader, but, it’s high time to move on! You'll lose your data if you don't download it today. so get busy.