Ramblings of an old Doc


Google’s gone “Glasnost”.

It has revealed how it delivers data the FBI when presented with a demand. They wanted to make clear that government agents don’t show up and actually access their servers. Google apparently does that itself, and then delivers the Court Ordered (FISA) data (after review) themselves, in order to dispel any impression of the government physically doing it themselves: No additional data is provided.

“…when Google is legally required to hand over data about its users, it usually delivers it using a file-transferring technology called secure FTP, David Drummond, Google’s chief legal officer, said in an interview on British television.” – NYT

Apparently the data is forked over by FTP (and by secure external HDD courier delivered), and that there’s no “back door” in its computers.

Google says it knew nothing about PRISM. Perhaps not the name, but it certainly knew about it in general terms in 2008.

I’m left wondering whether Google is saying this (like Sergeant Shultz), in order to present a “our hands are clean” or whether they’ve been instructed to say that. Also, how could we ever know if that’s true or not?

It’s not as if anyone can be trusted, right?

Isn’t that the whole point of those NSA (and who knows who else’s) programs?

Small wonder no one believes the government anymore.

And that line about, “No one is listening to your telephone conversations.”?

ABC News thinks differently about that: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=5987804&#.Ub8W5Pmsh8H

“"Hey, check this out," Faulk says he would be told, "there's good phone sex or there's some pillow talk, pull up this call, it's really funny, go check it out. It would be some colonel making pillow talk and we would say, 'Wow, this was crazy'," Faulk told ABC News.” – ibid

To me, "pull up this call" means it was monitored and recorded, despite having nothing to do with terrorism. So, this is what they’re doing instead of looking for those terrorist “needles in a haystack”?

Makes the question “Who watches the Guards?” particularly relevant. People say, “Well there’s Congressional Oversight”. If so, where was it when that kind of eavesdropping was going on?

“The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), called the allegations "extremely disturbing" and said the committee has begun its own examination.” – ibid

Anyone ever see or hear of any results? That was 2008, by the way, not that it's any different now. 

The NSA’s actions are to intelligence gathering what Abu Ghraib was to prison law. Incidentally, guess whose intelligence crews ran Abu Ghraib.

Do I believe NSA testimony? Well, do you?

“In a written statement, Gen. Alexander said: "We have been entrusted to protect and defend the nation with integrity, accountability, and respect for the law. As Americans, we take this obligation seriously. Our employees work tirelessly for the good of the nation, and serve this country proudly." ABC









on Jun 17, 2013

I love the "denial" from this General guy. But at least they're spying on their own as well...


It is, however, good that we now know the name of their head lug. That way, we can bring back "[expletive] Hoover"!


In all seriousness.... I'm not so much scared or outraged as just disappointed that so few people even bother worrying about their privacy anymore. I've long since stopped sending sensitive information unencrypted over mainstream media... luckily, anything of value I have to communicate is academic in nature, and my university has a pretty secure intranet.

on Jun 17, 2013

my university has a pretty secure intranet.

You'd think. I bet it isn't.

on Jun 18, 2013

More secure than the telephone system, apparently...

on Jun 18, 2013

Incidentally, guess whose intelligence crews ran Abu Ghraib.

US Army and CIA?

of course i still wouldn't believe anything an NSA representative says.


i don't think though, that Google was "instructed" by anybody. they release their transparency reports since three years now.


i just hope President Putin can stop Obama from doing his own version of the Kosovo/Lewinsky stunt to distract you Americans from this affair.





on Jun 18, 2013

I believe they are watching and cataloging everything and FISA is only used when they want that data used in court.

on Jun 18, 2013

US Army and CIA?

of course i still wouldn't believe anything an NSA representative says.

At the lowest level, sure. But check this out: http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2005-08-22/news/0508220115_1_alexander-cellular-communications-predecessor/2

on Jun 18, 2013

did not remember this guy in particular, but this is indeed scary ...

they really made him the director of the NSA after this happened under his command. looks like they consider him competent

on Jun 18, 2013

Just goes to reinforce my theory that the rot has spread to every level.