This isn’t strictly Personal Computing, but I use Windows Live Writer, and this is the one Forum I know will cross post to my second home: WC.
IonMed’s (Israel) device is in the clinical testing stages for fast, safe and scarless surgical wound repair.

It’s small and manageable and use doesn’t require complicated training. It has four components: A helium tank, the main unit, a hand piece and a disposable tip.
It has been used on 6 volunteer subjects: women delivering by Caesarean section. This is a picture of the results 45 days post op. The dark line shows with ink where the incision was.

The technology is based on plasma, but regular plasma technology produces gasses with temperatures too high for use with living tissues.
Enter cold plasma technology. This is the future of “no more infections” e all dreamt of. Using this technology, control of bleeding, enhancement of tissue repair, disinfection and destruction of cancer cells is achieved. Harmonic Cold Plasma is doing similar work in Scottsdale, Arizona. They have demonstrated positive results on animal models and in vitro experiments with bacteria.
By the end of this year, IonMed hopes to achieve the CE mark of approval in Europe and clinical trials in the US and Europe.
This should also help the healing of diabetic and venous stasis ulcers as well as speeding the healing of infected wounds.