Great. Yahoo has joined the Empire. Your “New” Yahoo Mail will now scan the contents to bring you “relevant” ads. Who knows what else it will do (check this out)?
“When you upgrade, you will be accepting our Communications Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This includes the acceptance of automated content scanning and analyzing of your communications content, which Yahoo! uses to deliver product features, relevant advertising, and abuse protection.” – Yahoo
Sound familiar? Sound just like Google?
BUT, you don’t have to knuckle under to this unwarranted prying into your private emails. About the “what else”, I doubt there’s much you can do.
“When you upgrade to the new Yahoo Mail, Yahoo will scan your mail contents and display relevant ads. However, if the user doesn’t want these ads to be shown, he can opt out of this facility using “Ad Interest Manager” by changing the settings any time.” – The Windows Club
You can opt out of this however, using the link above (Ad Interest Manager). It should bring you to this page. You can proceed to configure it as you please.

You can also download your email using IMAP apps like Outlook or Mac Mail.