NSS Labs surveyed the five browsers with the most market share for security against “socially engineered” malware. The browsers tested were Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Opera.
You can view the NSS report here: https://www.nsslabs.com/reports/2013-browser-security-comparative-analysis-socially-engineered-malware
The test is aimed at mobile devices (however, syncing will affect the non-mobile machines as well).
The results were pretty amazing:

The way the browsers did the malware blocking was interesting, as they did it differently:

The actual statistics are in the report (link above), but here are their findings, summarized (image manipulated for ease of viewing):

and their recommendations:

As the title says…it might be ugly, but it does have the best security around. I look forward to Chrome’s future, however.
As for Apple, Mozilla and Opera: This really should be a serious wake up call.