What a day… the Iron Lady and now my Mouseketeer…
Annette was perfect… until 1992 when she shocked us with her notification that she had developed MS. She bore it like a hero.. no whining, no complaints. Just her beautiful smile.
Walt Disney spotted her at a dance rehearsal – she was 13. Then, she rocketed with 8,000 fan letters (not emails) per month… ten times what others received.
She became a recording star, she starred with Frankie Avalon in the mid-1960’s “Beach Party” series along with a string of beach/bikini flicks.
Then, in 1987 she had trouble walking… and MS was diagnosed.
She wrote an autobiography in 1994 about struggles and triumphs… she titled it “A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes”… how appropriate: That was a Disney song.
She was 70…