Ramblings of an old Doc


I’ve written about them before… not much response, but not giving up.

Here’s April’s schedule of free webinars. There’s stuff like Lightroom 101, and Jared Platt will be teaching every module in Adobe Lightroom over 3 days.

There’s plenty of other stuff as well…

Cruise on over and take a look. There are courses for purchase as well…


on Apr 02, 2013

I love to watch this stuff but couldn't find the link from the one you posted. Of course I'm not always the smartest light bulb around.

on Apr 02, 2013


on Apr 02, 2013

I’ve written about them before… not much response, but not giving up.


these classes are absolutely terrific....  thanks doc for putting me onto them way back....

I recommended it to my sister-in-law who lives in Seattle and loves photoshop and is starting up a photographic business...  she attended the last two days classes as part of the studio audience and had a blast....  lovely creative people... great catering... lots of advice and feedback... and wonderful networking with an exchange of email addresses with the ps tutor and his wife, the graphic designer and others attending who are going down a similar track to her.

She told them she was recommended to the site by someone in Sydney Australia which they were chuffed about... especially as she is just an hour down the road from their studio...so.. word of mouth is definitely helping this troupe to grow and grow which is only positive for all of us with the increased amount of classes offered and the diversification of them... she's keen to attend more classes.... and we both purchased the combined 7 days of about 40 photoshop classes that was aired recently. 

They had one recently on film making techniques.....my son shared the link with his film class and the information on just the lenses alone was like gold...

It doesn't seem to matter what the classes are necessarily about... the presenters are so good... you can always gleen something from the different classes that can relate to you... 

You can watch them Live free.... and they also have one or two rebroadcasts for those of us in different time zones.....

If the course particularly interests you and it is just so packed full of detail that you can't keep up jotting down your notes... as happens to me.... the courses are very well priced and often include files to practise with.... compared to going and paying for a photoshop course to attend yourself.

Check em out....  

and big thanks to Doc once again...  


ps..... my brother however, not so happy....  can't drag her away from 'puter......    ...his cooking skills are improving though...    


on Apr 03, 2013

It doesn't seem to matter what the classes are necessarily about... the presenters are so good... you can always gleen something from the different classes that can relate to you...

Thanks, syd... It's really true.

Watched Ben Willmore for the past 2 days... Originally, I learned from Lesa Snider, who is an incredible teacher who did deep dives into CS5 and then CS6. Ben was amazing, because although it was a "Fundamentals" class, I took 8 pages of notes! All pearls, imo.

What you wrote (above quote) is so true!

Wish more folks would post stuff about Ps... it is a major tool of the craft.


Also... you are SO RIGHT about purchasing the big events like Ps Week... it was so full of info... impossible to learn it all. And again, so right about the instructors. They are simply top drawer.

Khara Plicanic's class on typography was amazing... and Lesa Snider is totally world class... but their personalities are what really make the classes so personal, despite the medium.

Glad you enjoyed it, syd. .


And everyone... don't forget that Anzac Day is April 25th!

"Lest We Forget".


Also, will continue posting their schedule at the beginning of each month...