Big thank you goes to tazgecko and to DaveBax.
Both these Community members have emailed/pm’d me with this news item which could adversely affect your connectivity.
The DNS Switcher does just what it says. It changes the legitimate DNS address to a ‘ghosted’ one where you will be bilked, or given false information. illions of computers were infected by the gang of six Estonian criminals the FBI, etc. put boots to sometime back.
You should check here:
for a full explanation and the displayed page should look like this (minus my annotations):
You should navigate to here: the DCWG homepage through which you can test your computer and if infected obtain instructions how to fix the problem and how to protect your computer through the three icons at to top of the page.
That page should look like this (there are four pictures which change so don’t panic if you get an initially different picture which changes):
Outside the USA:
Canada: CIRA has developed with other agencies a DNS Switcher checking site as well, here:
and other countries (Australia is one from the bottom) here:
Thanks again, Dave and taz.
Hope you all check up on things ASAP.