Ramblings of an old Doc


Just got this in an email from newegg.

So, if you want a good deal… “for today only based on fund availability”.

Link:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&Depa=0&Description=Adobe47&nm_mc=EMC-EXPRESS040712&cm_mmc=EMC-EXPRESS040712-_-EMC-040712-Index-_-MECH-_-AdobePSElements10-LB1

on Apr 07, 2012

Heya Doc.  I didn't see your post earlier and made one. There's also a 15% off coupon that stacks with this.  Got photoshop elements, premiere elements, and a SATA DVD burner for $27.50 including shipping.


The deal is pretty much insane.

on Apr 07, 2012

What do they mean "Based on fund availability"? Isn't it product availability?

on Apr 07, 2012

Heya Doc.  I didn't see your post earlier and made one. There's also a 15% off coupon that stacks with this.  Got photoshop elements, premiere elements, and a SATA DVD burner for $27.50 including shipping.


The deal is pretty much insane.

The deal with the drive has run out, pacov... glad you got it!

The other is still on.