Yesterday I wrote about BCI – brain computer interface and medical, etc. (hopefully non military) applications.
Today it’s Tobii’s turn… well, I have written about that before as well as gaze control for Windows 8 (demonstrated at CES 2012).
Tobii (no, I haven’t invested in that Swedish company, and have no interest beyond reporting news) has now created an asteroid shooter game and a way to interact with it … without the clumsy glasses. Here’s a pic from Tobii.
Tobii made a 2D game of asteroids (EyeAsteroids)… now it’s in 3D (EyeAsteroids 3D) which is considerably harder to do as the player is looking where the asteroid isn’t, necessarily.
So how does this work? Well, the Tobii has a ‘sending’ and ‘receiving’ unit. Near IR is bounced off the cornea of the viewer and is picked up by the receiver. The received signal is processed in the unit shown above using Tobii’s software.
This technology has great promise for victims of trauma and disease who will be enabled to use computers and even use them for gaming and participating in a world designed for mobility.
And yeah, it’ll probably be used by the military, but why “focus” on that?