Ramblings of an old Doc

Ok, so this is really cool… if you’ve ever hankered to create an animated cartoon, or meld real pictures and drawings but really didn’t want (or have) the big bucks needed for the software, this is for you. Imagine ZubaZ or PoSmedley as cartoon characters. Hmmmm…. (any shots of the software are incidental)


This is simple software. It’s 2D, and really just has a set of very good, basic tools to work with. If you have Ps experience, or Gimp the tools won’t seem strange.

It’s portable, so it doesn’t require installation.

Tools:  Paint brush, Polyline, Eraser, Modify curve, Select tool, Clear button, Pen tool, Color picker, Paint bucket, Move tool, and Zoom canvas.                                                    

Features: Layers (no surprise), Drawing, Bitmap drawing, Vector drawing, Zoom and rotation, Animating, Adjusting keys, Importing images, Cameras, and Sound.

Animation: This allows you to create animated images, cartoons, and import sound. This puts it all together.

Pencil Animation has a really good Wiki (user manual: http://pencil-animation.org/wiki/doku.php?id=en:users:manual:0.4.3b:index)

and even provides swf files to play with.


Download link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pencil-planner/ 

Source:  http://www.thewindowsclub.com/pencil-animation-software-windows

Screen Shots from the windows Club and Pencil Animations

on Feb 22, 2012

Pretty neat but I have to keep in mind yrag's injunction. So I'm gonna put it on my flash drive seeing's how its portable.

Thanks Doc.







I are so dead.

on Feb 22, 2012

Pretty neat but I have to keep in mind yrag's injunction.

on Feb 22, 2012

@Doc ....... that's priceless.

on Feb 22, 2012

Nice find Doc

on Feb 22, 2012

The handsome guy in the top picture looks handsome.

on Feb 22, 2012

Comically so.