Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on February 18, 2012 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing

This one caught my eye, and WebGizmo's. He thought it was air freshener.

A spray on antenna. Imagine you’re lost in the woods with a phone but zilch bars, Or on the side of a road out where there’s zero reception. Maybe after a hurricane or disaster, and the only antennas are miles away. Or on a battlefield.

There’s a plane overhead, but you can’t call for help. Yes you can, now (well, on VHF in the example below, because that’s the band planes use), but it works equally well with phones.

“The aerosol spray coats an object's surface with thousands of nanocapacitors and spray-on particles that can turn a wall -- or even a tree -- into a transmitter. "Within five minutes we had" the tree "connected and transmitting on VHF to an airplane 14 miles overhead -- double the range we could get from a standard antenna on the ground," Sutera said. Sutera's team sprayed a third generation iPhone antenna with the material and boosted the signal by almost 10 percent. "What we're talking about is a profound way of thinking -- a whole paradigm change on antenna technology," Sutera said. "What we'd like to think about" are "ways to enable wireless connectivity anywhere."

So, with this stuff, you can reach twice as far at x milliwatts or, the prior distance at half the power. Maybe your phone will last twice as long on a charge? Or, say you’re driving down the road and this stuff is sprayed on the lane paint? You’d have wireless connectivity wherever you went. Without cell towers. And a real information superhighway. Couldn’t resist writing that. Sorry.

Turns out that even underwater this stuff works. Regular antennas? 50 feet. The spray on nanocapacitors? More than a nautical mile. That might mean life or death for submariners.

Also, the material can have further uses with relation to self powered communication nodes. Amazing… so, I wanted you to see it.

And they have prototype kits, too:







Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 18, 2012

That's just friggin amazing, if it really works.

on Feb 18, 2012

I think these 2 companies should collaborate

on Feb 18, 2012

I think these 2 companies should collaborate
I bet that stuff is carcinogenic...


EDIT: And this technology actually has a lot of bearing on some research I'm doing into infrastructure-centered autonomous vehicles. One of the major problems is getting the cars to be able to 1) easily communicate with each other, and 2) recognize things like road signs and lane dividers without resorting to actual image recognition (which AIs aren't good at).

on Feb 18, 2012

"Clothes hanger in a Can"  

on Feb 18, 2012

Some how I doubt there is enough raw materials for the stuff to be sprayed onto every super-highway.

Although maybe some of the richer cities could have "AI lanes" where the stuff is sprayed on and only robotic autonomous cars are allowed on it. (for people that can't drive due to having no legs, no eyesight, or other disability?)

on Feb 18, 2012

EDIT: And this technology actually has a lot of bearing on some research I'm doing into infrastructure-centered autonomous vehicles. One of the major problems is getting the cars to be able to 1) easily communicate with each other, and 2) recognize things like road signs and lane dividers without resorting to actual image recognition (which AIs aren't good at).

I encourage you to communicate with Mr. Sutera...

Some how I doubt there is enough raw materials for the stuff to be sprayed onto every super-highway.

That's the really cool part... It might only be sprayed on every 10 - 15 miles... but that's just a guess. I think this is yet another step towards decreasing energy requirements... and increasing production/efficiency. I think this could really be a boon.

What I like the most about this is that it involves rethinking the concept of "antenna" which we've just accepted for many decades. Recognizing the stuff we just accept and don't think about is the real challenge. Imagine what's really sitting right under our noses.



on Feb 18, 2012

Very cool!!! Thanks Doc.....

on Feb 18, 2012

Bry - Don't get it confused with the deodorant or air freshener. You'll have every conversation broadcast to hell and gone.

on Feb 18, 2012

Where do I get one? I could make my own hotspots everywhere. Wow!

on Feb 18, 2012

Call for pricing. Probably expensive.

on Feb 18, 2012


A game changer!

Another amazing find Doc!


on Feb 18, 2012

Welcome, Lorenzo.

on Feb 18, 2012

The problem with this is, if I'm going to carry the can of metal nanoparticles in solvent and propellent, I'm going to carry the much smaller, cheaper, lighter metallized mylar blanket, and attach my antenna to it...

on Feb 19, 2012

Here's a thought. Say a million people buy the product and use it, everywhere!. Walk down the street and plug into the nearest tree, toadstool, fireplug, bush, blade of grass, light post ... etc. Be really confusing if you're in a big city where everything you see, from buildings to dog poop, is acting like one. The overlap would be comical to say the least.

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