Ramblings of an old Doc


One of the ways we become ‘commodities’ is by being tracked as we move from website to website. Anywhere you see those facebook and twitter icons you’re being tracked by those two at least.

Also, have you ever wondered why ads on websites seem to be uncannily directed at you? Well, it’s by tracking you and identifying you…

So, this is hardly news, but “DoNotTrackPlus” (DNT+) might be, for some. I had the extensions on my Chrome and Firefox browsers (although I hardly use Firefox anymore). What was news for me was the IE extension.

"DNT+" will protect you from being tracked by 600+ companies which collect and sell browsing data.

Well, thanks to captainmidnight my IE now has DNT+.

So, if you’re interested in not being a line of data for someone else to buy and sell, you might be interested in navigating to http://www.abine.com/ and adding it to your browser. It won’t make you more secure, but it will give you some increased privacy in an increasingly intrusive world.

on Feb 15, 2012

Nice! It gives WC a clean bill of health. No social buttons, no AD stuff but one company blocked from tracking. Don't know which one. Thanks Doc.

on Feb 15, 2012

Google Analytics.  No harm there.


Thanks also.  Real useful to block this stuff out.