Ramblings of an old Doc


Our wonderful patriots, Anonymous are claiming having taken down the CIA website (probably using malware infested bot computers) most likely with DNS attacks. Worse, they stole the names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and Social Security numbers of some 46,000 people from the State of Alabama website.

Well, I suppose it was to be expected. Now Anonymous has made another terroristic threat. This time the would be champion of the downtrodden has issued poorly veiled anti-Semitic threats using the old, hackneyed and fallacious references of the “Elders of Zion” variety (ruling the media, etc.) and vowed a “Crusade” (the historical Crusades involved the mass murder of Jews, among others) in three parts. The voice is disguised in the video released on Youtube. Very brave, Anonymous. Glad there’s software which reverses that.

The first – probably the old, boring DNS attacks/SQL injections to “remove Israel from the internet”. Step two “will be later disclosed and is already in initiation.” The third stage is unclear, but won’t stop until “the police state becomes a free state.”

“Step one will be initiated after the release of this video and will be comprised of systematically removing you from the internet. Step two will be later disclosed and is already in initiation; and, as for step three, well, think of this one as a present from Anonymous to you – we will not stop until the police state becomes a free state. We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Israeli government expect us.”

Well, in its usual overblown, doublespeak tradition, the aggressor is defined as the underdog and the attacked as the aggressor. With no knowledge of history or truth, they plan attacks on Israel which has done nothing to these self styled arbiters of justice. Further, they accuse Israel of planning a nuclear holocaust. One: It’s Iran that’s trying to get the bomb, stupid. Two: Do not steal the name of that which was perpetrated on the Jews and accuse them of trying to do that to others.

At any rate, I’m really hoping Israel and its newly created IDF Cyber Command hands Anonymous its butt, and ends up revealing who they are and causes their capture, and conviction. This time, they’re taking on folks the Technion (Israel’s M.I.T.) produced, and tech gurus like you wouldn’t believe. It’s not for no reason that MS, Apple, Intel and other high tech power houses chose to buy Israeli tech companies and open centers of development in Israel.

Oh yes, Anonymous. I have such fond hopes for you criminal Lochsley “wanna be”s.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 11, 2012

To read later much later


on Feb 11, 2012

I hope if anyone from Anonymous reads this, they look at  JoeUser and it's associated sites as just small potatoes not worth the bother.

on Feb 11, 2012

Wonder if they will do another attempt on the Mexican Drug Cartel. . .

on Feb 11, 2012

They should do just that. Target the bad guys and let the others quake in their boots. I don't condone what they do but if they can then others can too. Lets hope the others are more for the right thing to do rather than what Anonymous is doing.

on Feb 11, 2012

Target the bad guys and let the others quake in their boots.

I guess what concerns me is that everyone mentioned here has their own ideas on who the bad guys are and aren't. They may even have some in common. The definitely have more they disagree on, I'm sure. Unlike the stand-off you might say exists between some of the nuclear capable countries, we have yet to reach that point in 'hacking' where anyone has pulled out the 'bomb' so to speak. While they search for it and take pot shots at one another with no way to control any of it, we are ALL potential victims.


on Feb 11, 2012

Something we will continue to live with like it or not. I have no control over this type of stuff and therefore really don't worry about it. If something were to affect me I would deal with it as others will the best we can. A person could write pages and pages about this stuff in the news everyday. My opinion is a lot of this writing and news just adds fuel to the problem. The Anonymous and other groups feed off the big news stations and other reports. Not saying this post will ever be seen but the big places that do the feeding should just stop. I'm sure the problem is being worked on by the powers so to speak. Stop feeding and work on it by being quiet. If av stoped seeing all the attention they get and the world continues to work on finding them, maybe they would reach out in a different way and it could help to track them down. Lets make it the big one that's talked about because we managed to track down and get all the main people not all the attention we now feed them, because they love this attention. Worry about ones self not what the hell everyone else is doing. Another big problem with this World and people.

on Feb 11, 2012

Oh look, it's another anonymous threat against what we perceive to be relatively good guys.

You're saying... ?

on Feb 11, 2012

I can't express how disappointed I am in Anonymous. This is just sad. There are so many terrible things going on in the world and they decide to attack Israel? I guess the slaughtering in Syria escapes their view.

on Feb 11, 2012

You're saying... ?

Perhaps there really are no 'good guys' anymore, is how I read it.

on Feb 11, 2012


Quoting DrJBHL, reply 8You're saying... ?

Perhaps there really are no 'good guys' anymore, is how I read it.

This  isn't like nuclear bombs that can be detected and as they are being made or tracked after. There is no physical count or inventory. There is no way to barter or negotiate. Someone will always be making the bigger better virus and because someone will always be making the bigger better protection from it. There is no way to monitor or control it. None. So at what point does it stop or go to far. We have nuclear pacts, germ warfare agreements, etc. They may be not worth the paper they are written on in some cases but this shit...there is no way to control or monitor at ALL. And how controllable are viruses anyway. How controllable is the spread of a virus. You could target a system in one building and a single email could send it where...the CDC, a hospital facility, and airport???? 

Some country that cannot compete with the tech-war is going to get pissed or paranoid enough that they will retaliate the old fashioned way and just launch a damn rocket rather than be shut down or shut off from the world.

This shit is just scary.

on Feb 11, 2012

This shit is just scary.

When those Iranian warships crossed the straight enroute to Syria I knew something was up. You don't send training crews into a potential warzone. Israel was ready to blast them out of the water. Had they done so Iran would then have a legitimate reason to go to war, their ships were in international waters. Flash point.

on Feb 11, 2012

The timing of this couldn't be worse for Israel considering the situation in the middle east. It's been scary before but if Anonymous can interfere then it's downright dangerous.

I wish they'd quit targeting our governments, states (Alabama? REALLY? C'mon!), and Federal Agencies and do something productive. They're no Robin Hoods and it feels like they've been corrupted by their power and prestige. Typical.

on Feb 11, 2012

You know, I have absolutely no idea if this threat from Anonymous is real or not.

However, I do know how *governments* react to real, imaginary or perceived threats that have some sympathy from the general public: by launching gigantic misinformation campaigns.

Hitler started WWII by convincing the Germans that the Polish had attacked Germany in the Gleiwitz incident. In reality, as we now know, it was a staged attack by Nazi forces posing as Poles. This staged attacked rallied German public opinion onto Hitler's side, and enabled Hitler's invasion of Poland.

As Herman Goering said in the Nuremberg trials:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

Unfortunately the above was true then and is still true today. So, these day and age, I always take everything I read in the media with a huge grain of salt.

on Feb 11, 2012

Now, I haven't read up on the reasons for the attacks on Israel, and if the OP is right, then they are quite misguided.


Now, that being said, I am not a defender of Israel.  In fact, I do not see them as a legit nation.  Where do western governments get the right to declare a piece of land, already controlled by a group of people, a new nation?  "Israel" is in fact Palestine, and the Jews are the illegitimate occupiers of the land currently.  This would be no different if say, the EU decided that the US was now Mexico, and the EU supported this move by supplying Mexico with arms to defend and control the populace.  Its downright sickening.


To top it off, the Israeli's use force, sometimes to the extent that violate human rights, to "defend" the nation of Israel.  Its like there memory of there abuse at the hands of the Nazi's has vanished, because the same tactics are being used on the Palestinians.  

My two cents.

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