Ran across these goodies in an article on Devgarage today.
Haven’t evaluated them yet, but some seem quite robust, and for folks who can’t afford Photoshop, or its equivalents, seems these could be of interest…. Should be good on older machines which might not have the resources necessary to run big programs and RAM hogs like Ps (when you have lots of fonts and layers).
I’d like to hear back how you folks feel about them, if you decide to try them. Aviary isn’t bad (as far as it goes. Flauntr seems good, but I haven’t made any kind of progress with it.
Worth1000.com has image editors associated with it, and Aviary is one of them, by the way.
Photoshop (actually Ps Express) photo editor is also there. Also, it has a sharing and 2 Gb of image storage… Not to be confused with big brother Ps or CS5, Ps express has a limited number of processing tools, but does have a learning center as well…
Anyway… take a look…