Opera 11.50, codenamed "Swordfish," is now RTM and is going like hotcakes (they put a download counter on the page).
The most visible change is an update to the default browser skin. Now the skin is brighter and less “cluttered”.
“The "Featherweight" skin sports a newly styled toolbar with borderless buttons, a new icon set, four default navigation buttons (Back, Forward, Reload/Stop, Wand) in the default toolbar, and a more accessible zoom slider. This new initiative to improve the UI of the browser is not complete yet, with further phases to be realized in upcoming releases.”
- Denis Wong, Neowin.net
The next major addition is in the Speed Dial extensions. Now you can have RSS feed, stock ticker, weather, clock or a photo slideshow. These extensions are accessible through the improved "Add Speed Dial" dialog. Other important changes include: Synchronized ‘Wand’ passwords, freely arrangible dial tiles, updates to its Presto engine, along with more HTML5 support and some security (like CSS scripting).
Thanks, Denis!
Download link: http://www.opera.com/browser/download/
Source: http://www.neowin.net/news/opera-1150-swordfish-released