So cool! We can post pictures on line and have family and friends comment about us, our kids, our pets, vacations, activities…
We’ve turned the web into a truly image rich environment: So much so that folks see ways of making money any which way.
These are all seven of the image services that Twitter's native app recommends when you first begin using the app: Twitpic, yfrog,, Posterous, Mobypicture, Lockerz, and twitgoo.
The ones which will: Twitpic, Twitgoo
Which won’t: Mobypicture, Posterous, yfrog
Which don’t specify:, Lockerz, Imgur
To me, this matters. You might post a screenshot here and there on the web…. of a skin or wall you created, but now have no
rights to distribute. Worse, you could be sued for doing it. How about this: You take pictures of your mom, dad, kids and post them.
Now, if you do that on certain sites, they can be sold as models or stock photos to advertise whatever, and not only do you and the
folks you photographed not have any say, you and they aren’t remunerated either.
You’d better start reading TOS’s and understanding them before joining and posting your stuff: There's no telling what you’ll lose rights to.
Also, start using the social media themselves: If you like the TOS let them and your “friends” know. If you don’t? Let folks know why. They might not have read the TOS.