Was going to have a nap. Then Hankers pm’d me about this. Thanks, Hank. Bye, nap.
Clever little hackers. Mac users got Mac Defender/Mac Guard. Windows users got the same (before them).
Now, when you click on the wrong thing, or on the wrong website (get some sniffing extensions, please!) this will pop up on you:

picture from TheWindowsClub
If you click on the “Start Protection” button, malware will be installed on your computer and it will “scan” (yeah, right) your computer and “find” a virus.
Btw, for those who don't know, Firefox has no antivirus scan capabilities.
For the paltry sum of $80, it will “remove it” – guess what? All you have to do is fill out your credit card info to get the “fix”.
Two words to the wise:
Don’t click on what you don’t need.
When in doubt, DON’T CLICK!
Get “sniffing” extensions.
That’s three. So, who’s counting?