Ramblings of an old Doc


Was going to have a nap. Then Hankers pm’d me about this. Thanks, Hank. Bye, nap.

Clever little hackers. Mac users got Mac Defender/Mac Guard. Windows users got the same (before them).

Now, when you click on the wrong thing, or on the wrong website (get some sniffing extensions, please!) this will pop up on you:

picture from TheWindowsClub

If you click on the “Start Protection” button, malware will be installed on your computer and it will “scan” (yeah, right) your computer and “find” a virus.

Btw, for those who don't know, Firefox has no antivirus scan capabilities.

For the paltry sum of $80, it will “remove it” – guess what? All you have to do is fill out your credit card info to get the “fix”.

Two words to the wise:

  1. Don’t click on what you don’t need.
  2. When in doubt, DON’T CLICK!
  3. Get “sniffing” extensions.

That’s three. So, who’s counting?






Comments (Page 1)
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on May 31, 2011


(Video embedding removed due to the general hostility of the guy at the end.)

For those of you who don't have time to sit through the slow typing and homophobic slursin that video, basically this guy intentionally downloads some kind of scareware application that for whatever reason comes with a live chat help feature. He then tells the rep on the other end the following:

"So, I've been running Kaspersky Internet Security and it says my system is fine, but when I run your software, it finds like 70 million viruses! Obviously, Kaspersky is crap. I'm going to write their company and tell them all about this mess, and how bad of a product they have."

He then goes on to mess with the guy a little more, but that first trick is just brilliant.

on May 31, 2011

Fire Fox scans only downloads for viruses. That little bugger is a bit obvious I think. But...like everything else there will be those who...'click' and then BAAAM!! you're done....poof!

Get the sniffers...I tell me. Okay...so I went looking for sniffers. Um....where might I find them?

on May 31, 2011

why did you insult gay people by calling that internet thief a f.....?

on May 31, 2011

Same 'Crossing Guard' icon as the lame IE6 'Virus Detected!' silliness.  If that icon doesn't tell you it's fake...

on May 31, 2011

why did you insult gay people by calling that internet thief a f.....?

Did I miss something?

on May 31, 2011

why did you insult gay people by calling that internet thief a f.....?

Huh? I miss somethingz?

OK... Elana, I see what you were referring to.

on May 31, 2011

At the very end of my video, the guy calls the malware rep a "faggot". I am still not exactly sure why. I didn't even know that was there when I embedded the link, since the funny part is earlier on in the video. I obviously don't agree with his analysis, but that's pretty much the only time he's ever used language that strong in 340+ malware demonstration videos.

on May 31, 2011

Could you remove the vid please, scoutdog? I'm sure you don't agree with that kind of term. It's upsetting Elana, and since it was derived from the manner in which people were burned at the stake, I'm sure you can understand.

on May 31, 2011

I generally oppose those sorts of politically-correct word games, but seeing as this is your thread and everyone who was offended belongs (more or less) to the category of "reasonable people", {edit} not to mention that you are speaking out against the bigots{/edit} I have removed the embedded video. If you want me to, I can remove the link as well.

on May 31, 2011

Yep.  I missed something, since I didn't watch the vid.  The 'why did you insult' threw me off.

on May 31, 2011

No need, scoutdog... thanks very much. 

on Jun 01, 2011

Well, as malware, it is pretty lame if you HAVE to click ok.  The ones I have been running into lately - if you click ANYTHING you get infected.

But thanks for the warning!  I am moving all my family over to Pale Moon.  Until they come out with that Malware

on Jun 01, 2011

Ok, here's a semiscary one. I was doing a school project just now that required me to convert/download a few YouTube videos, so I used a site with a lot of popups. One such popup got through Firefox's (occasionally porous) popup blocker, but instead of creating a new window it manifested itself as a tab that claimed I had won a free XBox 360 and had to click within 4 minutes to accept it blah blah blah. When I tried to close the tab (and later when I tried to close the whole window) it flashed a message identical to that which you get when you try to leave an email account with a half-written message unsent: "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved."

This gave me two options, to stay on the page or leave. When I clicked stay, firefox stayed on the page. When I clicked leave... Firefox stayed on the page. It would not allow me to ever close my browser, save through the task manager, and when I did that... the next time I ran FF the popup (and only the popup, none of my other tabs) was back. Eventually I ended up having to run a session in which I did not save my tabs at all, and then kill the process through Task Manager. Even then, Firefox tried to recover the blasted thing... fortunately it does not do so automatically.

on Jun 01, 2011

I'd run a scan on my computer were I you, scoutdog, and I would purge FF cookies as well as cache.

on Jun 01, 2011

How about using Flash CookieCleaner. Takes out those nasties left over even when you clear your cookies and stuff. Works.

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