Ramblings of an old Doc
MS Did Good!
Published on December 14, 2010 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing


We're all so blessed during the holiday season with the ability and SD software to customize our computers and make them special!

There are many themes, gadgets and walls to be had. Just look at I.D.'s Articles and Posts Monday's Picks and This Week in Skinning, as well as the December Desktop thread and the Galleries!  Today, I.D. added Cursors!


Well, I decided to contribute to this wonderful season, and I found some really beautiful Themes provided by Microsoft for Windows 7 (External Link).



There's a huge choice of really beautiful walls and a screensaver if you like from these walls, and can vary the walls with choice of interval.


I enhanced their themes with i-Umami's (Alexandrie) “Holidays” free for the downloading (with 5 substyles for 7, Vista and XP).


I also changed colors in JcRabbit's Windows 7 Extreme Theme for Winstep.





Hope everyone has a great season this year, and finds this useful.





on Dec 14, 2010

Have you tried the snow effect in DeskScapes with that wall?

If so, how does it look?

on Dec 14, 2010

Thanks Doc! I check for MS themes every now and then but haven't lately. Those walls are great!

on Dec 14, 2010

You like? I had thought to do just that but got hung up in links, grammar and spelling and getting things just so.

I sure do! See, folks... it's truly Dreamy! Sorry about the frame rate makes it look choppy...my first use of vidcapture with my Snaggit.

I'll improve, I hope!


on Dec 14, 2010

Looking good Doc!  Thanks for the info. 

on Dec 14, 2010

It was a pleasure, Tom!

on Dec 14, 2010

Thanks for the tip, Doc! I don't usually run holiday themes, but the Missus will definitely appreciate this!

on Dec 14, 2010

on Dec 14, 2010

Some of them are very beautiful...I very rarely do a holiday theme, but the Tree by the brook together with the snow effect is truly serene.


on Dec 14, 2010

I checked these out when I got home...they are quite nice. Good find Doc.

on Dec 14, 2010

Good post Duc...Doc!    Thanks!