Some seriously good news for those whose computers won't support upgrade to W11. 0Patch which supports at present Windows7 will support W10 until 2030. That's 200 million W10 devices granted a pardon. Martin Brinkmann brings us this good news at gHacks: "Come October 2025, owners of Windows 10 devices will have these five options, if they want to keep on using their devices: Upgrade to Windows 11 -- only available if the device is supported officially. Yes, there are...
There's a serious privacy and control problem with MS. They are positive your computer is really theirs to do with as they wish. The latest is now Windows 11 has altered whichever settings you determined in your backup preferences for OneDrive. I'm not against backing up data, as all here know, I am however against MS determining and acting, without obtaining your permission, to determine what you must back up from your privately owned computer. The article linked above informs yo...