Ramblings of an old Doc
DrJBHL's Articles » Page 50
August 7, 2013 by DrJBHL
  I couldn’t believe it when I first read it. Then, the disbelief faded. HR people today have a tough job. No question. They have a mission to find the best peg to fill the currently empty hole, and fit the peg with the team and the work. So, eHarmony saw an opportunity and jumped. Their premise? Finding a life partner and finding the right candidate should be very similar. Both should rely on personality testing, and past experience. I’m not at all sure of that test...
August 4, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Turns out our allies across the pond aren’t terribly thrilled with the idea of people driving while wearing Google Glass. Can’t say I blame them. Distracted driving kills and maims. There’s no evidence to support the claim that this wouldn’t distract less. “According to U.K.-based Stuff, the Department of Transport (DfT) has moved to outlaw the use of Google Glass while operating a motor vehicle, even before the spectacles become available to the ge...
August 3, 2013 by DrJBHL
    flagyl sent in a nice tip for some free tools, and good ones. Here’s the link: http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/other_tools/ . Certainly, Chameleon is one to get. It will make Malwarebytes going even if a virus/Trojan blocks it. There are five tools. Take a look. Thanks, flagyl.
July 29, 2013 by DrJBHL
  You know my spiel. It’s great, it’s free. You’re guaranteed to learn tons. Just register (I get nothing if you do or don’t). If you miss the first show there’s a rerun in the evening. Here’s August’s schedule. The color coding is mine. Red, I’m there for sure. Green, the full scheduling isn’t out, but it’s dedicated to the Creative Cloud Design course.  
July 29, 2013 by DrJBHL
  While cars aren’t exactly a new target (actually happened in Texas in 2010), two hackers (Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek) say they will publish detailed blueprints of techniques for attacking critical systems in the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape in a 100-page white paper, following several months of research they conducted with a grant from the U.S. government. Relax. These guys are “White hats”. What can they do? “They said they devised ways to force a Toy...
July 27, 2013 by DrJBHL
  As part of the series on hard drives, I found this article which might be of assistance in helping you diagnose things when you hear them. I hope you don’t, of course. This is a good article about the sounds sick computers make: LINK . The sounds are those of a sick hard drive, fans, and speakers. Hope it helps. Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2039654/the-sounds-of-a-sick-pc-listen-to-the-noises-that-could-mean-bad-news.html
July 25, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Recently, we had a thread about “What to do”. Well, if it isn’t dead, some experts say do a chkdsk first, others say back it up first, then do a chkdsk /f /r. Making a backup first can’t hurt. If the disk is dead due to system file corruption, doing a chkdsk /f /r can’t hurt. If it starts functioning again after that and the report says corrupt files were fixed, I’d say it’s worth doing the backup again to replace the prior copy. Here, Tina Sieber at MakeUseOf.com ( ...
July 25, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Nirsoft is a truly great source for utilities. They’re all free. They all work the way they’re intended. BlueScreenView displays all the data from a crash in table form: the minidump filename, the date/time of the crash, the basic crash information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the details of the driver or module that possibly caused the crash (filename, product name, file description, and file version). There is also a link t...
July 22, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Fantastic instructor Dave Cross…free knowledge. Reruns after the end of the day’s course if you couldn’t make it. Enroll (free) at creativeLive.com .
July 18, 2013 by DrJBHL
    No. Don’t stop to think. Grab this. You’ll not see it again soon! Acronis is the gold standard for disk imaging. You CAN NOT afford to be without this, folks.   Grab it here:  https://store.acronis.com/325/purl-july-promo-ti2013-deep_en-US   Thanks should go to I.D. for finding this gem. Thanks, Spencer.
July 17, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Well, as the song goes, “Another one bites the dust”. There’s no notice about the SourceForge installer (SFI) when you go to download software there. The SFI is only for Windows, not Linux or Mac. I agree that devs need funding, and that’s a valid and good thing but bundling without notification isn’t the way. Pretty much all of us have left Download.com . Confusing installation choices isn’t either. The SFI uses the “Accept” or “Decline” choice leading the downloader to th...
July 17, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Just to let you users of 8.1 Preview: There are some updates available for both x86 and x64 systems. To check them out:  http://www.neowin.net/news/another-round-of-updates-for-windows-81-preview
July 14, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Interesting. It’s free and has 3 engines: 360 checksum based cloud engine. Machine learning cloud QVM engine. BitDefender local engine. It supports all Windows versions, XP through W8.1 and comes in 32 and 64 bit versions. It is Cloud based and is a 180 MB download. Being Cloud based, it is light on resources. There is a PC and mobile version as well. It’s real time, has url protection (anti phishing protection) and has a privacy protection which war...
July 13, 2013 by DrJBHL
  Give it a try… Gizoogle your website, or anything! You can even use the Tranzizzler. Go here to Gizoogle: http://www.gizoogle.net/     And for Stardock:
July 12, 2013 by DrJBHL
  For the victims of friends and family’s dreaded phone call, “Help me, my computer’s broken!”. Emsisoft is a well known and reputable security software developer. You can trust this. It should be on a “Rescue USB Drive”. It’s also free for private use. It has: 1. Emsisoft Emergency Scanner which has been improved. 2. Emsisoft Hijackfree which allows you to manage all the active processes (services, drivers, autoruns, open ports, etc....