Still no real "super winner"...each has pluses and minuses.
There are those who use Windows' included firewall and Defender and are happy with them. Others prefer to add one of the 'free' antivirals like Avast (it has a 'paid' version as well).
There are sites like The Top 10 and Tom's Guides which review software...and express their opinions, but it comes down to what works best on your system and what you can afford.
How can you know which works best on your system? By downloading the trial version (do that from the firm's official website) and trying it. There really isn't another way, unfortunately.
I'm using Malwarebytes at present, because I don't need all the parental control options, and because it has an anti-ransomware integrated with it.
Anyway, For the curious, Bitdefender took it on both sites. It has for the past few years, as well.
On another note, I do recommend you put a couple of anti-ransomwares on your system. Here are links to them for you.
Truth be told, while viruses/Trojans abound, the main thrust of malware has become ransomware. So, don't go unprotected.
Also, having failed miserably to get him to write a 'how to', let's activate some peer pressure on the_Monk for advice on how to set up a 'least privileges' arrangement on your machine. 
Have a good Saturday!