Ramblings of an old Doc


“Pale Moon is one of the most popular alternative browsers available. Having access to Firefox extensions, Firefox compatibility, and a pre-Australis interface without telemetry being transmitted in the background are just some of the reasons why people have chosen to use Pale Moon.” – Innuendo, donationcoder.com

Well…bad news first: good old captainmoonlight sent me this as he’s a devoted Pale Moon user.

Unfortunately, Mozilla has decided to end support for the 24 ESR branch of Firefox code…no security experts to look at its code, and no further development. That’ll fall squarely on the Pale Moon team.

So, that team has decided to abandon the Gecko engine and develop their own named, “Goanna”. Crocodile Dundee fans might remember what he said about Goannas…

The worst news is that Mozilla has stated they’ll no longer be supporting extensions for Firefox and FF will be moving to a model that supports Chrome add-ons.

Soooo…why bother using a Firefox clone that isn’t and doesn’t have active extension development…and why then choose Firefox instead of Chrome, especially since Chrome devs have gone to work to decrease its memory leaks.

Looks like white flags all over the place today. Buh bye, Pale Moon. Buh bye Firefox.

Sorry, folks. “I blame Mozilla!” seems particularly apt today.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 17, 2015

Found that out Moshi which is why I switched to Chrome. Aviator was good while it lasted but it soon went to crap, as you say.

on Sep 17, 2015

I give the guy a clap for thinking ahead at least one small guy is making a profit out of this titan clash nonsense that is going on.

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