Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on May 20, 2015 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing


So, they (choose any set of initials you wish) want to have easy access to all internet communications…hence backdoors in email/chat/messenger apps.

This also means that any encryption firms put in their software must be built in a way that law enforcement has the key to unlock the encryption so they can read your communications.

To be clear: The key would be binary in the sense that the firm has one half, and the other half would be held by the government. At this point I was laughing uncontrollably, because we all know how well the government is geared to guard secrecy and security. So, only by court order could the company’s half (demi?) key be released to the government. We all know how zealously the FISA Court protects our rights…but is seemingly immune to review.

Why this now? Because the government fears companies are strengthening encryption which gives the criminals/spies/terrorists/etc. too much protection and secrecy to plot their dark deeds and avoid the benevolent, watchful eye of those sworn to protect, defend and uphold the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights). Even granting that might be true most of the time, what about the rest of the time? Anyone remember J. Edgar Hoover and his files? Sorry, I don’t trust the government to keep within legal guidelines nor their own IT security procedures. It’s just too tempting for them to excuse their excesses by, “We’re only doing it to protect you.” That just reminds me too much of: “We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.”

All this follows on the heels of the 2nd Circuit’s ruling about metadata. This is a great way to neutralize the Court’s ruling.

But here’s the thing: Backdoors inherently weaken security. No matter how ‘secure’ that door seems to be, someone will find a way in. Murphy’s Law. Can anyone show an example of unhackable software in a world where idiots don’t isolate classified from unclassified systems? Ask The president’s appointment schedule…hacked by the Russians. Why can’t they understand that simple truth? Maybe because they don’t want to?

Sorry. There are no foolproof solutions…remember the old saw? “Intel inside…idiot outside”.

Just so you know: The president is planning to sign legislation to make these mandatory “backdoors” easier.




Comments (Page 3)
3 Pages1 2 3 
on Jun 03, 2015

A little tip. Buy backup services from Norwegian companies not american ones. Much stronger privacy laws in Scandinavia.

3 Pages1 2 3