Ramblings of an old Doc


Sometimes you’re looking for a better/snazzier/cooler font for a project and *poof* it appears online right in front of you…

BUT…what’s its name? How can you search for it without that?

A few ways:

1) If you’re using an iOS device, WhatFont can be a huge help…

2) WhatTheFont Mobile app is another.

3) For non-iOS devices, www.whatfontis.com, TypeDNA at http://fontedge.matton.se and the WhatTheFont feature onwww.MyFonts.com. Each site examines an image you upload and then asks you to enter the letters that appear in your image. The website then tries its very best to identify the font for you. Again, the better the picture, the better your chances are of finding the font. Firefox and Chrome users can automatically upload images using the WhatFontis extension. Once installed, simply right-click an image and choose “Use this image on WhatFontis.com.” The WhatFontis.com site opens in a new tab with your image primed and ready for identification.

4) If you’ve exhausted 1-4 above and still haven’t gotten an answer, don’t despair. There are font Forums (Fora?) where you can pose your question:

5) Lesa Snider provided an additional way to do it for frequent font fliers”":

“…if you find yourself frequently identifying fonts (lucky you!), two $40 apps for Mac (and Windows) can provide a much faster font-finding experience, along with additional features that help you optimize the example photo. There’s Fontgear’s FontGenius and FindMyFont.”




on Apr 26, 2015

Great info Doc! Thanks.

on Apr 26, 2015

Free for the Wiz:



on Apr 27, 2015

Thanks! Finding fonts can be a bitch. The worst part is that many are just variants, so you get partial matches and not for the letters you want.

on Apr 27, 2015

DOC Forum, plural is Forumi  


on Apr 28, 2015

"The English plural forums is preferred to the Latin plural fora in normal English usage." - Wiktionary