Ramblings of an old Doc


So…while yesterday’s thread was fun, I came across this article. What bothers me about this is that they’re using Numenta’s AI software because it’s closer to human thinking.

That alone should scare the crap out of you. Would a non-human like AI algorithm/s be better? Is the devil we [don’t] know better than the devil we know even less?

How could one produce a program complex enough to encompass Asimov’s three laws of robotics?

    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Anything less than unfailing (and tamper proof) performance adhering to these rules would be unthinkable…but that’s what’s being done. Such a machine would have to have incredible computing power to adhere to the three laws...and human morality? Which brand?

The pablum of “We progress in small steps” does not hold true here. Imagine producing a monomaniacal machine intelligence without absolute incorruptibility of these rules is akin to producing a made to order psychopath, something no human in his/her right mind would entertain for any duration, no matter how short. Then imagine connecting it to the internet. How much more knowledge, power and control could it gain? Imagine sending artificial intelligences into space. What could possibly go wrong? [insert sarcasm here].

It wouldn’t even have to have ill will towards any other intelligence. It’s enough that it simply doesn’t “care” what its actions might result in for humanity, the biological world i.e. toxic by products.

I would argue that it is less important to produce “intelligent” voice to text, games, or image recognition than it is for humanity to evolve humanity, kindness and caring for itself, before trying to produce machines that might or might not be capable of having those properties.

Further, I maintain that until we can reach a point where we actually are the people we should be, we should not develop machines which might be capable of augmenting their own power and reproduce by creating more machines like themselves with or without the rigid three laws.

Have a good weekend.

on Apr 19, 2015

Did someone not see I, Robot?  The three laws fail to cover conquering humanity for the greater good of humanity.  Not turning us all into obedient slaves is allowing us to harm each other through inaction.

on Apr 19, 2015

Actually, I read it along with the entire series long ago...while at Uni, I believe.

The film version was a very poor second place.

on Apr 19, 2015

...human like AI software algorithms


So, when it makes mistakes it blames someone else?