Ramblings of an old Doc


Through State Dep’t. emails, Russian sources were able to obtain confidential material on the President’s schedule and calls. It is unclear what else they might have obtained, and I doubt the White House will be very forthcoming as to details. This isn’t the first time either, and it’s generally through an unclassified system and then crosses over to the classified systems. Beyond that, security people who have been trying to extricate the Russian hackers from the systems were shocked (per CNN) at the nature of things discussed in emails on the "unclassified" system.

From what I could understand from the non-technical description given by a reporter to CNN’ Wolf Blitzer, my thinking revolves around spear-fishing. That’s just a guess, though.

A spear fishing attack comes (usually) through email from a person known to the recipient from a known person (infected or spoofed) with a link or an enclosed ‘document’ which directs the recipient to an infected site (and through ‘drive by’ Javascript applets/advertising infects the recipient) which installs malware or has the malware in it, despite the classified and unclassified systems being in different locations.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 10, 2015

While I'm opposed to thread hijacking and political threads, I'm having a hard time trying not to crack a smile here.

on Apr 10, 2015


While I'm opposed to thread hijacking and political threads, I'm having a hard time trying not to crack a smile here.

Oh, and another off topic piece  - er, hijack -  from me.......though a more serious one this time:

Shaunna was telling me just a while ago that she saw a completely unexpexted use for WD40, and being you're a doctor I thought I'd share it with you.  Last night she was watching a medical show out of the UK and a couple of blokes told Dr Pixie [of Embarrassing Bodies fame - that they sprayed WD40 on aching body parts and it took the pain away in moments.  A panel of doctors were in complete disbelief, saying there are no properties in WD40 that could do such a thing, but both men [who apparently did not know each other prior to the show] swore the remedy worked.

The outcome was a clinical trial/experiment with several arthritis/rheumatism sufferers, and while some said it did not help them, others belived the unorthox remedy worked.  Your thoughts?

on Apr 11, 2015

To pinch a line from Guardians of the Galaxy, in blacklight the Whitehouse must have looked like a Jackson Pollock...

on Apr 13, 2015


Your thoughts?

Until a properly done randomized and double blinded trial is done? No opinion whatsoever. While there are no known analgetic substances present in WD-40, one should take into account the placebo effect (using anything one 'believes' in or supplied by someone the subject trusts) being present. That should fade with continued use...especially if the substance is toxic.

on Apr 13, 2015


the placebo effect

Sugar pills. Cures whatever ails ya then makes up more stuff you can cure and keep them in business. 

on Apr 13, 2015


Quoting starkers,

Your thoughts?

Until a properly done randomized and double blinded trial is done? No opinion whatsoever. While there are no known analgetic substances present in WD-40, one should take into account the placebo effect (using anything one 'believes' in or supplied by someone the subject trusts) being present. That should fade with continued use...especially if the substance is toxic.

Yes, the placebo effect was raised during the show... and then there were people who had no idea what was being used, and who were given no expectations who said that they noticed some improvement.  That's why I asked your great self for an opinion.... given that my arthritic knees and hips give me hell a lot of the time.

If I could find an effective alternative to oral painkillers I'd prefer it, though I'm somewhat sceptical about WD40 as a substitute for codeine based pain meds, etcetera.

on Apr 13, 2015


though I'm somewhat sceptical about WD40 as a substitute for codeine based pain meds, etcetera.

on Apr 14, 2015


Quoting starkers,

though I'm somewhat sceptical about WD40 as a substitute for codeine based pain meds, etcetera.

The reason for my scepticism is mostly because I've had WD40 all over my hands after mechanical/mower repairs, and I still suffered with the arthritic pain and painful cramps.  I figure that if it didn't help then it wasn't likely to be a solution now.

Well actually, that's not quite right, is it?   It is a solution - of chemicals - just not a solution to arthritis. 

on Apr 14, 2015


Well actually, that's not quite right, is it?   It is a solution - of chemicals - just not a solution to arthritis. 

Well put. No, it's no magic solution (for pain)...what I'd suggest would be something like Naproxen Sodium. If your Doctor agrees.



If it's just the small joints in the hands, Voltaren emulgel might help...instead of Naproxen. Again, consult with your M.D.

on Apr 14, 2015


Quoting starkers,

Well actually, that's not quite right, is it?   It is a solution - of chemicals - just not a solution to arthritis. 

Well put. No, it's no magic solution (for pain)...what I'd suggest would be something like Naproxen Sodium. If your Doctor agrees.



If it's just the small joints in the hands, Voltaren emulgel might help...instead of Naproxen. Again, consult with your M.D.


Yeah, I have an appointment for Thursday next week, when I shall be able to address some of my concerns.  I have used Naproxen in the past, as well as Voltaren Gel, so I will raise the matter then.

BTW, I went to a diabetic support group today and learned quite a lot... next week I see my doctor to implement a life plan that includes podiatry, physiotherapy, an exercise program and a dietician.

on Apr 14, 2015


implement a life plan that includes podiatry, physiotherapy, an exercise program and a dietician.

Sounds just right! Good for you! 

on Apr 14, 2015


Realistically, the US probably spies on every other government in the whole world. 



Also, alternative headline: US government under cyber-attack! Citizens should prepare to give up even more rights as a result.


Its always about central governments accumulating power.  Your sub text is right on.

on Apr 14, 2015


Quoting starkers,

implement a life plan that includes podiatry, physiotherapy, an exercise program and a dietician.

Sounds just right! Good for you! 

It is something I wish I had done a while ago... but I didn't, partly for 3 reasons: pain and mobility issues on certain days; vertigo presenting me with motion sickness, thus making travel difficult at best; laziness.  Thing is, everything is all under the one roof and it's not too difficult to get there.  Apart from the aforementioned, I will also have access to dentistry, optometry and a phychologist should I need them.... should probably get my eyes checked.


Quoting Heavenfall,



Also, alternative headline: US government under cyber-attack! Citizens should prepare to give up even more rights as a result.


Its always about central governments accumulating power.  Your sub text is right on.

No point the US spying on the Oz gov't.... were being ruled by a bunch of fechen idiots who couldn't organise a booze up in a brewery.... a 'horizontal dance' in a brothel

As for governments accumulating more and more power, as an interested onlooker, I believe the US gov't has gone to extremes in a number of areas, particularly national security, and that sooner or later, as the gov't grabs even more power, the people will say enough's enough and refuse to tolerate it.  Trouble is, Australia is heading down the same road, with overkill on several fronts, and Aussies aren't such a tolerant bunch when it comes to the loss of rights and priveleges.

We've never had a civil war, a military coup or a violent usurping of the government, but if this idiot Abbott keeps going the way he is, I do see one of those options as a possiblity.

on Apr 14, 2015


I will also have access to dentistry, optometry and a phychologist should I need them.... should probably get my eyes checked.

That really sounds great, Mark. Glad you're doing all this! I guess this is the silver lining from the dark cloud, eh? 

on Apr 15, 2015


Quoting starkers,

I will also have access to dentistry, optometry and a phychologist should I need them.... should probably get my eyes checked.

That really sounds great, Mark. Glad you're doing all this! I guess this is the silver lining from the dark cloud, eh? 

Yeah, I just felt like I wasn't doing enough to care for my health, and while I'm feeling no better or worse, I'm not getting any younger and I need to try prevent things deteriorating any more... other than what naturally comes with aging, that is  However, I wouldn't mind the mythical fountain of youth.. LOL

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